A Message from Ujima Donalson, POD Executive Director
The past year has been one of great change in POD. We launched a new website in July 2016; said goodbye to three members of our staff (including one who retired and another who changed careers) and welcomed three new people to our team; prepared ourselves and supported our UWHR colleagues through the launch of Workday; and introduced a new program, Leadership Advantage. Through our internal adjustments and larger institutional transitions we’ve worked hard to maintain and even increase service levels while staying true to our guiding business values of visibility, innovation, excellence, and integrity.
I know that many of you have also stayed committed to promoting learning, growth, and development for yourselves and your team, and I empathize with how challenging that can be.
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Leadership Interview With Rickey Hall
Vice President for Minority Affairs & Diversity and Chief Diversity Officer
Congratulations on your one-year anniversary! What drew you here to the UW?
I had been aware of the University of Washington and its diversity efforts for some time. At the University of Minnesota, my predecessors had visited UW, and I subsequently brought staff here to look at what the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity (OMA&D) was doing, in particular with the Instructional Center and with First-Year Interest Groups. Therefore, I already knew that the UW was at the forefront in terms of working with underrepresented minority, first-generation, and low-income students. Beyond that, I was also incredibly excited about coming here because of the leadership. One of the things I’ve learned working in higher education for the past 20 years is that more than the location of the institution, more than the mission of the institution, what’s most important in terms of equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts is the leadership. When I came across the Race & Equity Initiative, I was certainly impressed. It was a bold stance for a leader to make and that President Cauce made it when she was an interim was especially bold. Most leaders would hesitate to champion something like this Initiative because you don’t know where it might lead or what it might stir up, but President Cauce stepped up and said we’re going to tackle this.
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"Education is the development of power and ideal." ~ W.E.B. Du Bois

The Growth Mindset
Linda Callecod, Senior Consultant
In June I had the distinct pleasure of attending the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Conference in New Orleans. Of the many stimulating sessions I attended, one that I found both thought-provoking and practical was “The Neuroscience of Potential: How to Create a Growth Mindset Culture” with Dr. Britt Andreatta. The chief learning officer at Lynda.com, Andreatta holds a Ph.D. in Education and has immersed herself in neuroscience research. She’s passionate about discovering how people and organizations can realize their full potential, and a key part of her presentation centered around rewiring one’s mindset for growth. Read More
University Consulting Alliance Update
Gina Moore, Consultation Services Coordinator
As you may know, the University Consulting Alliance offers more than 50 internal and external consultants who have been screened by POD and approved by UW Procurement Services. When I joined POD earlier this year, one of my first projects was overseeing the RFQQ process that occurs every six years to screen applicants for the Alliance.
After reviewing nearly 100 applications, I’ve learned a great deal about individual consultants as well as what is required for a consultant to be accepted in the Alliance. The initial screening is now complete, and our website is being updated to reflect the current roster of consultants who are available to contract with UW leaders and departments. Read More
"Surviving and belonging is about our past, and our potential is about our future." ~ Britt Andreatta
POD by the Numbers: FY2017
Over the last fiscal year, POD served 3,734 unique participants through our self-sustaining and supported training programs. Registrations for our self-sustaining programs, including quarterly courses and webinars, hit their targets across the board, while supported programs such as the in-person New Employee Orientation workshop and Level 1 of the Strategic Leadership Program saw significant increases in participation. For all of you data junkies, below is a sampling of POD’s service numbers for Fiscal Year 2017. You can view the complete service numbers PDF on our website.