The Davenport Grand Hotel, Spokane, WA
Zags and Huskies unite to learn about groundbreaking research on aging featuring UW Medicine’s Matt Kaeberlein, Ph.D., Fel. ’06.
We’ve long known that owning a dog offers us many health benefits, from getting us off the couch to stress relief. But did you know that they can help teach us how we age?
Age-related chronic conditions, such as obesity, arthritis, dementia and diabetes, are becoming more commonplace, but did you know that these ailments are also associated with aging in our canine companions? Researchers have found significant similarities in how age affects disease risk in humans and dogs and are on the cusp of learning how to increase longevity in both dogs and their people.
Admission is free. Please register in advance.
Matt Kaeberlein, Ph.D., Fel. ’06, is a professor of Pathology, adjunct professor of Genome Sciences, and adjunct professor of Oral Health Sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle. He obtained his Ph.D. from MIT in 2002, where he studied the mechanisms of cellular aging. Dr. Kaeberlein has authored more than 150 scientific publications and has received several prestigious awards in recognition for his research achievements. Dr. Kaeberlein currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology and the American Aging Association. He is the co-director of the University of Washington Nathan Shock Center of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging and the founding director of the Healthy Aging and Longevity Research Institute. Dr. Kaeberlein has three dogs: Dobby, a 4 year old german shepherd; Chloe, a 10 year old keeshond; and Betty, an elder-dog rescue of unknown age containing an interesting mix of basset hound, lab and beagle.
Next Generation Medicine is a lecture series for the Spokane community, presented by the UW Alumni Association and: