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The Graduate School

Saving Public Education in the Trump-DeVos Era

Wed. April 4, 2018      7:30–9 p.m.

Kane Hall 120

Historian of education Diane Ravitch guides a conversation on why schools should not operate like businesses and how citizens can organize to defend public schools against privatization.

Admission is free. Advance registration is required.

This lecture has reached capacity. As a courtesy, the Graduate School will offer standby seating on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 6:45 pm in Kane Hall. Any reserved seats not taken by 7:15 pm will be offered to our guests in the standby line.

Produced in partnership with the University of Washington Graduate School.

Diane Ravitch is a research professor of education at New York University and a historian of education. She is the founder and president of the Network for Public Education (NPE).

From 1991 to 1993, she was assistant secretary of education and counselor to Secretary of Education Lamar Alexander in the administration of President George H.W. Bush. She was responsible for the Office of Educational Research and Improvement in the U.S. Department of Education. As assistant secretary, she led the federal effort to promote the creation of voluntary state and national academic standards.

From 1997 to 2004, she was a member of the National Assessment Governing Board, which oversees the National Assessment of Educational Progress, the federal testing program. She was appointed by the Clinton administration’s Secretary of Education Richard Riley in 1997 and reappointed by him in 2001. From 1995 until 2005, she held the Brown Chair in Education Studies at the Brookings Institution and edited Brookings Papers on Education Policy. Before entering government service, she was adjunct professor of history and education at Teachers College, Columbia University.

Diane Ravitch’s blog is