UW Alumni Association UW Department of Biology

Biology eNews


Biology Alumni Stats

Did you know that since the Department of Biology merged with Botany, Zoology, and the Undergraduate program, it now has over 10,000 alumni?

We want to stay in contact with you all but that is a lot of newsletters to print! 

Please let us know if you prefer to receive your newsletters electronically to save ink and paper, as well as printing costs. email: bluefish@u.washington.edu or visit the eNews subscription center.

Or, consider a contribution to support the Department of Biology.  You can help us pay for an annual newsletter and build a stronger community.

The world is in your hands at the Department of Biology.

Visit us online for more info.



Contact Us

Department of Biology
University of Washington
Box 351800
Seattle, WA 98195-1800
Main Office: (206) 543-1620
Fax: (206) 543-3041
Development & Outreach Coordinator: (206) 685-2185

UW Alumni Association
1415 NE 45th St.
Seattle, WA 98105
1-800-AUW-ALUM or (206) 543-0540

About Biology eNews

Biology eNews is a free e-newsletter for alumni and friends of the UW Department of Biology, prepared by the Department of Biology and the UW Alumni Association. If you do not wish to receive Biology eNews or want to update your e-mail address or change format, visit the Department of Biology eNews subscription information center.

Support the UW Department of Biology:

Together this dog and his trainer, Heath Smith, search for sign from grizzlies in Alberta, Canada. They are part of a novel and non-invasive animal tracking program started at the Center for Conservation Biology. This program is one of several at the department that conducts research to help save the lives of endangered species. Every bit counts. Your choice to support the Department of Biology could make a big difference in how our future turns out. More...


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