UW College of Education UW Alumni Association


EEU Honors Special Education Heroes


UW College of Education Experimental Education UnitThe Experimental Education Unit honored some of Washington state's special education pioneers at its fourth annual auction.

Honorees included EEU founder Prof. Norris Haring, EEU Director Prof. Rick Neel, Associate Director Prof. Felix Billingsley, and former EEU directors Prof. Joe Jenkins, and Prof. Owen White. Emeritus professor Tom Lovitt was honored for his service to children with learning disabilities, as were former EEU teacher and outreach coordinator Patricia Oelwein for her work with children suffering from Down Syndrome, early childhood learning advocate Cecile Lindquist, and EEU consulting psychologist Stephen Sulzbacher.

The support of auction attendees was a ringing endorsement of these honored guests and the contributions of the EEU to special education. The event soared to new heights of success this year, raising approximately $500,000 for the facility's endowment.

Congratulations to Noelle Foster, Jennifer Annable and the entire team of devoted EEU volunteers for orchestrating another successful auction, and deepest thanks to the sponsors and donors for their unwavering support of the EEU.


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