UW College of Education UW Alumni Association


James A. Banks Wins UCLA Medal


Prof. James A. BanksUW College of Education Professor James A. Banks received the UCLA Medal on June 18, 2005. The UCLA Medal is the highest honor awarded by the University of California, Los Angeles. It was created to honor individuals who have made extraordinary and distinguished contributions to their professions, to higher education, to society, and to the people of UCLA.

Dr. James A. Banks is the director of the UW's Center for Multicultural Education and will be the first holder of the UW College of Education's Killinger Chair in Diversity Studies. Dr. Banks was the first African American to receive tenure at the UW and has written or edited 20 books in multicultural education and in social studies education.

Past UCLA medal recipients include Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Kirk Douglas. The faculty, staff and students at the College of Education extend their warmest congratulations to Dr. Banks for this prestigious honor, and wish him the best in his work at Stanford University during his year-long sabbatical.


Links about Prof. Banks

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