UW College of Education UW Alumni Association


SAVE THE DATE - An Evening with Prof. Ed Taylor


Prof. Ed Taylor

When: Thursday, October 13, 2005, 6 - 8 p.m.
Where: Crystal Ballroom A, Hilton Seattle Airport and Conference Center, 17620 International Blvd., Seatac, Wash.

Prof. Ed Taylor is working with South African educators as they build a new education system to serve all of the children in their country. His experiences demonstrate education's power to improve people's lives and offer insights into what American educators can do to expand educational opportunities for students of all backgrounds and close the achievement gap in public schools.

Prof. Taylor's lecture is the first in a series of new regional programs developed by the UW College of Education to support alumni in their work as practicing educators. All UW College of Education alumni and their guests are invited to attend free of charge.

Join your fellow UW College of Education alumni for a glass of wine, good food, and the inspiring story of educators working together towards a brighter future for the children of South Africa.

Contact Doug Marsano at 206-616-5594 or dmarsano@u.washington.edu for more information.


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College of Education
University of Washington
Box 353600
Seattle, WA 98195-3600
Phone: 206-616-4805

UW Alumni Association
1415 NE 45th St.
Seattle, WA 98105
1-800-AUW-ALUM or (206) 543-0540

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