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Fall 2006  |  Return to eNews Bulletin Home

The Professional Certification Program: Providing Content in Context

After a certain amount of field experience, teachers in Washington state must earn a second certification.  The College of Education’s Professional Certification Program offers its educators experiential, context-based learning experiences in the College of Education and other UW academic units.

The College’s Professional Certification Program reflects the National Board model of analysis teaching, but is distinctive in that it offers Content-in-Context Learning Experiences, where the expected outcome is an enhanced understanding of the content area or pedagogical focus identified by the candidate.  It also focuses on working cross campus so students have access to different types of programs offered for teachers.

“I feel a great amount of success when people are able to see how the program connects to their practice,” says Rosemary Sheffield, the Professional Certification Program coordinator and director of Center Connect, which links College of Education research with the broader educational community.  “It is also rewarding when the program assists students in remembering why they entered teaching: to have an impact on student learning.”

As the program coordinator of Center Connect— which has the highest pass rate in Washington State— Sheffield is the liaison between the office of Professional Education and Certification and the College, providing input on policy and procedures, and staying informed of new policies and procedures.  And since the College of Education’s program links to other forms of professional development (students can receive a master’s degree concurrently), Sheffield also interfaces with faculty from both the Teacher Education Program and the Teachers for a New Era (TNE) program, a Carnegie Corporation-funded model for teachers preparation. 

Sheffield also helps prospective students and school districts interested in partnerships with the program.  Though in many cases participation in the program is mandatory, she contends that “it is exciting when students let go of process and procedures, and see the value in the program.”  If you are interested in learning more about the College of Education Professional Certification Program, please contact Rosemary Sheffield at 206 685-6405 or by e-mail at rsheffield@extn.washington.edu.

More information about the Professional Certification Program can also be found by clicking here.



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