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Fall 2006  |  Return to eNews Bulletin Home

Seattle Principal Models Excellence in Education

Richard Ito (Danforth 4, ’92) is invested in preparing a new generation of principals for success.  Ito, the highly respected principal of Crystal Springs Elementary School, mentors interns in the UW College of Education’s Danforth Educational Leadership Program and early career leaders at the Center for Educational Leadership (CEL).  He has also served for over a decade on the College’s Professional Education Advisory Board.

Now, in recognition of Ito’s significant commitment and contribution to the educational community, he has been nominated for the 2006 University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Excellence in Educational Leadership Award. 

The Excellence in Educational Leadership Award is both prestigious and unusual.  It affords national recognition, but the recipients are selected by individual universities.  Each year, the UCEA Executive Committee invites member university faculties to select a distinguished school administrator with exemplary records of supporting school administrator preparation efforts.  Ito was nominated by College of Education Professor Brad Portin.

“Ito’s mentorship is legendary and has provided a substantive launching pad for new principals,” says Portin.  “[He] has made a substantial investment in the preparation of the next generation of principals.”

Humbled by this recognition, Ito credits the Danforth Program in helping him to be the strong educational leader he is today.  The Danforth Program “was the best educational experience I have ever had.  The ability to sit and reflect with people so dedicated and committed… has just been so formative for me.  I have felt like I [need] to give back as a result of that experience.”  And for over 10 years, Ito has continued to do so, enriching countless student lives in the process. 



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