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College of Education to Expand Mentor Network

Current College of Education mentor Patricia Espiritu Halagao with Professor Deborah Kerdeman

The College of Education is devoted to making education a reality for every student in every community. As part of this goal, the College is reexamining how it deals with issues of diversity and social justice in its programs, curriculum and relationships.

In 2005, the College of Education received a grant from the UW President’s Diversity Appraisal Implementation Fund to inaugurate the College of Education Mentoring Network. Thus far, the network has united a remarkable group of College alumni: scholars, educators and activists who have made distinctive contributions to the field of education, who are committed to helping current students of color navigate through the educational process.   

In spring 2006, the College held a Mentor Network spring symposium and college diversity summit, which provided a forum for mentors, students, faculty and staff to discuss how the College works with students of color.  This event was an opportunity for the College community to reflect on its past and current efforts in support of diversity.  And in spring 2007, the Mentor Network will send selected graduate students to shadow mentors at UCLA, University of Hawaii, and University of Illinois.

Much has been accomplished, but to maintain the program’s momentum, the College needs volunteers like you: alumni who are willing and able to make a difference.  If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please contact Chris Lambert at clnowdi@aol.com or (206) 708-4016

Click here to view interviews with current network members.



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College of Education
University of Washington
Box 353600
Seattle, WA 98195-3600
Phone: 206-543-1035

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Seattle, WA 98105
1-800-AUW-ALUM or (206) 543-0540

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