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Alumni eNews

Winter 2007   |  Return to eNews Bulletin Home

College of Education Supports UW Novice Teachers

Often the most challenging years of a teacher’s career are the initial ones. Knowing this, the College of Education is piloting a support system for UW Teacher Education Program (TEP) graduates in their first couple of years.

The College of Education’s UWeb Teacher Support Network is a comprehensive online resource designed to support novice teachers. The network offers a list of resources that include a searchable database, an interactive online workplace, and a TEP graduate helpline that connects graduates with experienced educators.

The “On Demand” network database is full of useful information, with separate links and subheadings for curriculum resources, instructional resources, employment and professional development opportunities, and resources for parents, families and the school community.  On this part of the network, graduates will find information ranging from suggestions on personal health management to teaching practice videos.   Professional development information is included here, too.

By utilizing the online workplace and helpline, recent TEP graduates may ask questions about specific teaching positions, curricula, instructional strategies, and interact with parents and colleagues.  And soon, graduates can opt to participate in an even more interactive and personal support network. 

Starting in fall 2007, cohort members may meet quarterly to share dilemmas of practice, and facilitated asynchronous discussions will be offered online for small groups of novice TEP graduates.

To access the UWeb Teacher support network, click here, or contact Sally Luttrell-Montes, Director of Induction at sallylm@u.washington.edu.

Additional updates on the UWeb Teacher Support Network will be shared through later editions of this newsletter.



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