Fall 2008
The College of Education e-newsletter publishes features and news four times a year for alumni and friends of the College.
Letter from the Dean
Patricia A. Wasley |
It’s fall again. In classrooms across our nation, students are headed back to school. Here at Miller Hall, our stairwells are bustling with new students and bright-eyed faculty. As summer's heat subsides and fall foliage emerges, the atmosphere is charged with a sense of curiosity, of eagerness. Classes are once again in session.
I’m happy to report that we have a lot of news and many events for our alumni. Read more ...
News Features
Joys of an Early Childhood Outdoor Classroom
The Early Childhood Outdoor Classroom program, a curriculum designed for culturally and economically diverse pre-school children, introduces and connects them and their families to nature, the environment and arts, and instills compassion for the environment. See how.
Equity and Excellence in Early Childhood Education
Making excellent early childhool education a priority for all children prompted the UW to create an interdisciplinary undergraduate degree in Early Childhood and Family Studies. The new program is topical, on-target and timely. Find out why.
Totally Portable, Totally Fresh: We're on iTunes U!
We’re always looking for new ways to augment curriculum options, for current students or alumni. Thanks to a new offering with iTunes U, you can access digital video and podcasts in the classroom, the bus, or the gym. Learn how.
Kids with Supportive Parents More Likely to Succeed
Research shows that students are more likely to graduate from high school if their parents express high hopes for their future and solid expectations for their school performance. While many students can tap into “college access” programs in high school, by that point it may be too late. The College Access Project offers education, outreach and community building for students in elementary school. Read more.
Featured Event
Pathways to Excellence & Equity in Science,
Math & Engineering Education
Oct. 28, 7 p.m.; UW Tower Auditorium, 4th floor
Special lecture by Philip Bell, assistant professor of educational psychology, examining the wide range of opportunities and choices associated with math and science learning.