UW Alumni Association UW Information School

UW Information School eNews Bulletin

Fall 2006

State of the School
by Dean Harry Bruce

Harry BruceOn track to meet our fundraising goal as part of Campaign UW: Creating Futures, the Information School has reached 85% of its $5 million goal. The iSchool is great not just because it has successful students and award-winning faculty but also because it changes the lives of people across the street, across the state, and across the world. More from Dean Harry Bruce...

"Welcome to the Profession"
by Cris Mesling, Academic Advisor

June brought sunshine to Seattle and smiles to the 130 graduates who walked across the stage of the Meany Theater at Spring Convocation. Dean Harry Bruce declared the evening a resounding success and paraphrased author Garrison Keillor by stating that our iSchool graduates are certainly "above average." More on Convocation 2006...

SIGIR Brings Searchers to Seattle
by Cara Lewis, Communications Officer

The 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference was held at the UW Campus in Seattle in August. Organized by the Information School, the ACM (Association of Computing Machinery), and SIGIR (Special Interest Group for Information Retrieval), this year's conference brought more than 700 "information retrievers" to Seattle and Mary Gates Hall. More on SIGIR06...

Informatics Alums Believe in Dotting over Blogging
by Mike Greenstein, Writer

Kabir Shahani and Ross Yearsley, Informatics majors who graduated in 2004 and 2003, respectively, are among the 10 people behind Blue Dot, Inc., a Seattle-based company led by former Microsoft and Amazon developers. Launched in July, Blue Dot allows users to find, save and share Web content with friends and family for free. More on the dotters...

Save the Date!

All-iSchool New Student Orientation: Welcome Presentation, Introductions and Refreshments
September 25, 2006 - 110 Kane Hall - 1:00 to 4:30 PM
The All-iSchool New Student Orientation is our traditional event to welcome new students and to launch the new academic year. Check-in begins at 1:00 and the Welcome Presentation begins at 1:30 with statements from the Dean, Associate Deans, and quick introductions of faculty and staff. The iSchool Fair & Social begins at 2:30 p.m. in Mary Gates Hall Commons. Join us as we celebrate the start of school!

Findability: A Cyberspace Safari with Peter Morville & Joseph Janes
October 11, 2006 - 110 Kane Hall - 7:00 p.m.
The UW student chapter of ASIS&T (American Society for Information Science & Technology) is hosting a fall kick-off event featuring a conversation with Peter Morville, a pioneer in the field of information architecture and author of Ambient Findability, and Joe Janes, Associate professor at the UW Information School. Reflect with Peter and Joe as they challenge us to think differently about the power of search - and findability - to redefine our sources of authority, inspiration, and competitive advantage. The event is open to the public. For tickets and more information, please visit http://students.washington.edu/asis

Accreditation Review Reception: Homecoming Week Bring Review of iSchools Prestigious MLIS Program
October 22, 2006 - Mary Gates Hall Commons - 3:00 PM
The iSchool welcomes the American Library Association Committee on Accreditation (COA) External Review Panel as they review our prestigious MLIS program. In celebration of UW Homecoming Week, we are inviting all members of the iSchool community, faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends to help us kick-off our accreditation review at this October reception. We hope you can join us.

Upcoming Trends in Information Management: The 3rd Annual MSIM Alumni Breakfast
October 25, 2006 - Washington Athletic Club (downtown Seattle) - 7:30 AM
Assistant Professor Kevin Desouza will talk with Information Management alumni and current students about the need for agile information systems, a concept adapted from the agile manufacturing systems of hard industry. Reservations are $20 (discount for Alumni Association members). Get more information and register online...

An Evening with Spencer Shaw and Richard Peck
November 15, 2006 - Kane Hall - Lecture and Reception - 7:00 p.m. (Lecture - Room 220), 8:00 p.m. (Reception - Room 225)
Join us for the Spencer G. Shaw Lecture Series featuring award-winning author Richard Peck. Launched in 1986 at the occasion of Spencer Shaw's retirement from the iSchool, the Shaw lecture series promotes the art and techniques of storytelling, the joy of reading and sharing stories for learning and enjoyment. Richard Peck, the only children's author to receive a National Humanities Medal, joins Emeritus Professor Spencer Shaw this year for a special evening in Kane Hall. Admission is $5.00, $4.00 for UWAA members. Get more information and register online...



Contact Us

UW Information School
Box 352840
Mary Gates Hall, Suite 370
Seattle, WA 98195-2840
Main Office: (206) 685-9937
Fax: (206) 616-3152
Development & Alumni Relations Office: (206) 543-4794

UW Alumni Association
1415 NE 45th St.
Seattle, WA 98105
1-800-AUW-ALUM or (206) 543-0540

About the eNews Bulletin

Our eNews Bulletin is a free e-newsletter for alumni and friends of the UW Information School, prepared by the iSchool and the UW Alumni Association. To update your e-mail address, change format or cancel your free subscription to the Information School eNews bulletin, visit the eNews Bulletin subscription information center.

Support the UW Information School:

The iSchool is about changing lives of people across the street, across the state and across the world. We need your help to meet our fundraising goal as part of Campaign UW: Creating Futures. We have raised 85% of our $5 million goal. As we look to the future, new and continued support from our alumni and friends is increasingly important. We thank you for supporting the iSchool!


$10 of your $50 annual membership fee will go to the College's undergraduate student scholarship fund. Find out about all the great benefts of membership and join online today.