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Summer 2008 | Return to issue home
Leading the Field ![]() iSchool Cited for Excellence in Information Assurance Research Patricia Katopol, '07, Wins Best Paper at 2008 CAIS Conference In her paper, Katopol suggests that in a complex, time-driven work environment with frequently changing priorities, the information needed for decision-making is often ‘just enough’ to inform the decision. The use of just enough information can be fostered by the organizational culture which privileges some behaviors over others and is a primary contributor to information behavior in the organization. The paper was based on her dissertation work done while at the Information School and will be published in the Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science later this year. Katopol is an assistant professor at the School of Library and Information Science at the University of Iowa and is associated with the Center for Human-Information Interaction at the Information School. Read more about this designation. MLIS Student Takes Grand Prize in Office Live Workspace Contest Austin, a Seattle-based graduate student in the Library and Information Science program at the iSchool, was introduced to Office Live Workspace during one of his courses at UW, where he was studying various collaborative solutions such as Office Live Workspace. Read more about Austin’s winning entry. UW Educational Outreach Honors Endicott-Popovsky UW faculty members Janine Brodine, Barbara Endicott-Popovsky and Lisa Coutu were honored at the UW Extension Certificate Awards ceremony in June, along with fellow instructors Janet Boguch, Kris Fulsaas and Kristie Dunkin. Based on stellar evaluations (both numeric ratings and written comments) by students on course evaluations and program exit surveys, the Teaching Excellence Awards are presented annually to instructors who have taught for a minimum of one year in an Extension, evening degree, distance learning, or other program administered by Educational Outreach. An award is presented in each of six categories. Endicott-Popovsky, director of the iSchool's Center for Information Assurance and Cybersecurity, harnessed the support of an exceptional advisory board of academic and industry professionals to launch the UW Certificate Program in Information Assurance and Cybersecurity in 2004. Honored in the technology category, she was lauded as an excellent and accessible teacher, an engaging speaker and a leader in curriculum development. One of her students said, "I learned something new and useful in every class meeting, even though I'm already experienced in this field." Learn more about the award. SLA Student Chapter Again Wins Innovative Programming Award This award recognizes the UW SLA Chapter for the creativity it has put into its event programming over the past academic year, including networking Happy Hours, a speaker panel at iCareer Week, student membership giveaways, and the ever-popular library crawls. The award was presented at the SLA Annual Conference in Seattle, during the SAAAC Awards Session in June. "You can look forward to this tradition of innovative programming continuing next year with the incoming SLA student officers," said Matthew W. Goddard on behalf of the group. Lisa Nathan Takes Second in CHI 2008 Grad Student Competition Often information technology is framed in terms of efficiency and productivity, but Nathan seeks to broaden our understanding of the long-term influence of information technology on the human condition. CHI is the leading international conference for Human-Computer Interaction, a rapidly-growing field that studies and facilitates how people interact with computers. This year’s conference included 2000 attendees from 38 countries. CHI 2008 was focused on the balance between art and science, design and research, practical motivation and the process that leads the way to innovative excellence. The conference was sponsored by the Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction (SIGCHI), an active community within the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Deborah Turner Wins Fulbright Award Read more about Turner’s award. Amelia Abreu Named to 2008 Public Humanities Institute The Institute, now in its sixth year, is housed at the University of Washington and is co-sponsored by the Simpson Center for the Humanities, the Graduate School, and the College of Arts & Sciences’ Divisional Dean of the Arts & Humanities, and Divisional Dean of the Social Sciences. MLIS Student Wins 2008 Miriam Braverman Prize Essays were submitted by library and information science students from colleges and universities in the United States and Canada. Their papers considered such subjects as the USA Patriot Act, health literacy outreach, and humanism as critical librarianship. Rigby’s essay will appear in the upcoming issue of Progressive Librarian, the journal published by the Progressive Librarians Guild. She also received a $300 stipend to attend the 2008 American Library Association’s annual meeting in Anaheim, Calif. Read more about Rigby’s award. Darci Hanning, '05, Is a 2008 'Mover and Shaker'' Read more about Hanning and her work. Get a complete, annotated list of all the 2008 Movers and Shakers on Jessamyn West’s blog. iSchool Picks Up 3 Best Paper Awards at CHI 2008 CHI is the leading international conference for Human-Computer Interaction, a rapidly growing field that studies and facilitates how people interact with computers. This year’s conference included 2000 attendees from 38 countries, and focused on the balance between art and science, design and research, practical motivation and the process that leads the way to innovative excellence. The conference was sponsored by the Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction (SIGCHI), an active community within the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Wobbrock and the other UW authors who won Best Paper awards were all part of the University of Washington DUB group (design:use:build), an alliance of faculty and students exploring Human-Computer Interaction and Design. Best Paper awards went to:
Find out more about the iSchool’s Best Paper winners.
Summer 2008 | Return to issue home
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