March 2010
From the Dean
Betsy Wilson |
Connection. What does it mean to you? The Libraries methods of connecting grow each year, and lately, each month. Whether users receive Twitter “tweets,” FaceBook messages announcing new services, upcoming events or exhibits, or blogs and newsfeeds written by subject librarians, it’s easier than ever for the Libraries to be connected—on our users’ terms. More...
In the Spotlight
Composing Software for Students
Notating a composition for one instrument or a vocalist on a page can be tedious. Thanks to an award from the Friends of the Libraries, the Music Library has several keyboards and workstations with a MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) keyboard and software program. More...
King County Collects:
Artifacts & Photos Online
King County Collects presents a selection of images from a shared collection held by 61 historical societies, libraries and museums. Hosted by the University of Washington Libraries, KCC encourages visitors to search a topic across all of the collections, which richly document Seattle and King County history. More...
Flickr Commons: UW Libraries Digital Collections
University Libraries Special Collections and Digital Initiatives announce a partnership with Flickr online image resource and management service beginning with a collection of images from the Libraries on the theme of “Winter Sports in the Northwest.” More...
Report to Contributors Online
Descendents of the Bagley, Mercer and Jenner families, who helped build the city of Seattle, gave boxes of letters, newspaper clippings and photographs that provide great insight into the lives of these visionary settlers. Libraries Special Collections is honored to be the home to these important and, sometimes, personal documents. More...
FaceBook and Twitter
The Libraries posts breaking news and information on FaceBook and Twitter. Join us and follow us on FaceBook and Twitter!
Literary Voices 2010
Timothy Egan, keynote speaker
April 24, 6 p.m. /
UW Club / $100 donation
Each year, the Friends of the Libraries awards funds to the Libraries for special projects, preservation and student scholarships. One way the Friends involve the University and literary community is through their annual Literary Voices dinner at the UW Club. More...
Allen Library, 1st floor balcony
Feb. 25-May 31
Creation is a collaboration of 60 “voices” by Tim Rollins and K.O.S. (Kids of Survival) done in 2004 during a residency in Washington, D. C. The resulting portfolio of seven screenprints with digital chine-colles and watermarks is based on Franz Josef Haydn’s The Creation oratorio of 1798. More...
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