September 2011
From the Dean
Betsy Wilson |
As the University of Washington looks back on 150 years of service to the state, I can’t help but reflect on the role Henry Suzzallo played in making the Libraries such a vital part of the UW.
I am reminded of his commitment to creating not just resources and books for students, but grand surroundings to inspire the mind. More...
In the Spotlight
Rewarding Undergrad Research
Each year, undergraduates submit research papers to be judged on their use of library resources, demonstrated knowledge in the methods of research and inquiry and more. This year's Library Research Award for Undergraduates winner is Elizabeth Poole. More...
State Labor Archives Now Online!
A new online portal in now available for digital resources associated with the archival collections of the Labor Archives of Washington State, a collaborative project between the University Libraries Special Collections and the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies. More...
Libraries Snapshot Day
On April 12, Libraries staff, along with UW community members, took up their cameras, gathered statistics and shared comments to illustrate the value of libraries. Now, take a look at one day in the life of the UW Libraries. See even more on Flickr.
Headlines Project Preserves Newspapers for the Future
What happens to print newspapers in a time when many students get their news online? If content from a newspaper is available on microfilm, why should we care about preserving the original format? More...
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The Libraries posts breaking news and information on Facebook and Twitter. Join us and follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
Artist Images with Thomas T. Wilson
When: Oct. 6, 2011, 7 p.m.
Where: Odegaard Undergraduate Library, Room 220
Don't miss Thomas T. Wilson—described as "the best-known unknown painter in the Northwest"—in conversation with Kathleen Moles, exhibitions curator at the Museum of the Northwest in La Conner, Wash. To pre-register for this free event, contact presenting partner UW Alumni Association at 206-543-0540.
UW Reads the Constitution
When: Nov. 1, 12-1:15 p.m.
Where: Suzzallo Library, 3rd floor outside the Reading Room
Come and listen to all or part of the U.S. Constitution as it is read aloud by volunteer students, faculty and staff in this annual event hosted by Libraries Government Publications.
Danz Lecture with Gen. Barry McCaffrey
When: Nov. 1, 7 p.m.
Where: UW Kane Hall
Gen. McCaffrey served in the U. S. Army for 32 years and retired a four-star general. For five years after leaving the military, he was the nation's cabinet officer in charge of U.S. drug policy. To pre-register for this free lecture, contact presenting partner UW Alumni Association at 206-543-0540.
Research in Labor Collections:
Record Formats,
Scope and Content
Through Oct. 31; Special Collections Reading Room
Merry Company: Pop-up, Movables and Toy Books
Curated by Pamela Harer & Sandra Kroupa
Nov. 14, 2011–March, 2012
Allen Library Lobby, Special Collections Lobby
and Reading Room
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