UW College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences E-news
December 2008

From the Dean

Dean Arthur R.M. Nowell
Dean Nowell

Welcome to the first edition of the College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences E-newsletter, created in partnership with the UW Alumni Association. This first issue will complement our traditional printed newsletter, but we’ll soon give you the option to receive only the electronic version.

This issue highlights some of the big ideas—and big new research projects—in COFS. Read more ...


The Sentry

UW Team Drives Ocean-Observing Project Closer to Reality
In the future, deep-sea exploration will not be restricted to scientists on research vessels equipped with remote-controlled submarines. Anyone with an Internet connection will have access to data and images from the ocean’s mysterious and remote depths. Read more ...

Mike Ackerman

New Genetics Lab Creates Data, Fosters Collaboration
Jim and Lisa Seeb joined the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences with dual goals: to create the world’s most comprehensive and user-friendly genetic database of northern Pacific salmon, and to foster international collaboration by making that dataset freely available. By establishing the International Program for Salmon Ecological Genetics (IPSEG), those goals are within reach. Read more ...

Pseudo-nitzschia diatom

Exploring the Wonders of the Tiny Diatom
Diatoms are responsible for 20 percent of all photosynthesis on Earth—the same amount produced by all rain forests combined. Ginger Armbrust and her lab are investigating diatom genomics to understand their role in the carbon cycle. Read more ...


Heather Gibbs

Supporting Our Students
COFS proudly awarded the Clarence H. Campbell Endowed Lauren Donaldson Scholarship for the first time this year.  Five students received full resident-tuition scholarships for the entire academic year.  One of those students, Heather Gibbs, shares her story. Read more ...

Dynamic Depths poster

Dynamic Depths: Measuring Our Oceans from Above and Below
In this two-part series, the College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences examines how new technology is transforming the way we see our planet, and how people may (or may not) be affected by the changes of the 21st century. Read more ...

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