UW College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences E-news
December 2008  |  Return to issue home

From the Dean

Dean Arthur R.M. Nowell
Dean Arthur R.M. Nowell

Welcome to the first edition of the College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences E-newsletter, created in partnership with the UW Alumni Association. This first issue will complement our traditional printed newsletter, but we’ll soon give you the option to receive only the electronic version.

This issue highlights some of the big ideas—and big new research projects—in COFS. The Ocean Observatories Initiative, International Program for Salmon Ecological Genetics, and Center for Environmental Genomics all use revolutionary new technology to help us understand the marine world in ways we could previously only dream.

These research projects are made possible by both public and private funding sources, including the National Science Foundation and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. We are indebted to the taxpayers and philanthropists who provide the means for research. Our planet's health, our economic stability and our students' success depend on scientific understanding. Your support helps us continue to focus on these goals.


Dean Nowell signature


Arthur R.M. Nowell

December 2008  |  Return to issue home