UW School of Pharmacy E-news
February 2010  |  Return to issue home

Special Thanks Go to...

The School of Pharmacy would like to acknowledge the following individuals who generously volunteered their time and expertise, advising the students and providing support and insight throughout their business-plan creation:

Team advisers:
Don Downing, ’75, UW clinical professor of pharmacy
Jackie Gardner, ’80 (Ph.D., Public Health), UW professor of pharmacy

External partners:
Jim Cammack, ’67, co-owner, Jim’s Pharmacy
Joe Cammack, ’94, pharmacist and co-owner, Jim’s Pharmacy
Cy Frick, pharmacist and owner, Frick’s Rexall Drug Store
Steve LeFever, ’79 (MBA), president, Business Resource Services
Mary Ann Odegaard, lecturer and director of external management programs, UW Foster School of Business
Beverly Schaefer, ’70, pharmacist and co-owner, Katterman’s Sand Point Pharmacy

February 2010  |  Return to issue home

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