Of Note
Get Ready for Our 75th Anniversary!
As we look back in recognition of the founding, growth and success of our School and forward to making an even greater impact in the community, we invite you to participate in our 75th anniversary celebration in 2009-10. This celebration begins in fall 2009, but we’ll be sending more information long before then. If you’d like to participate in the planning for this multifaceted celebration, please contact Jee Young Kim, assistant director of advancement: jeeykim@u.washington.edu or 206-543-7704.
Dalin Meng, left, and Len Montiel |
New Department of Social Work Opens in Cambodia
With faculty educated at the UW SSW, a new Department of Social Work at the Royal University of Phnom Phen (RUPP) welcomed its first cohort of students this fall. It is the only program of its kind in Cambodia. Associate Professor Tracy Harachi has coordinated our School’s partnership with RUPP since it began in 2004. Dalin Meng, MSW '08, and Len Montiel, MSW '08, are teaching two foundation courses to the department's first students. Through our partnership with the Royal University of Phnom Phen, the two women were educated at the UW SSW, completing their MSWs last spring. The overwhelming need for social workers in Cambodia is well documented. Trauma from the country’s recent history of violence is only one of many needs that social workers can help to address. Preparing more people to enter the profession is critical.
MSW Extended Degree Program Invites Your Inquiries
The School of Social Work’s flexible and accommodating MSW Extended Degree Program recently published a brochure introducing the program. It includes an example of a course of study and explains the flexibility of the option to earn an MSW degree in the evenings or on weekends. The program is designed for professionals who want to advance their careers but who can’t take time away from their demanding schedules to attend our MSW Day Program.