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Winter 2009 | Return to issue home
Events Social Work Advocacy Day: Social Work Speaks! To register for this daylong event, e-mail Hoyt Suppes at In addition to two policy advocates who have already presented 2009 legislative issue briefs in the brown bag advocacy information series—Lorraine Brave, SSW lecturer and MSW practicum coordinator, and Hye Kyong (Judy) Jeong, MSW ’08—two more information sessions to prepare participants for Advocacy Day are scheduled: Feb. 6: Aiko Shaefer, MSW, policy director for the Washington State Budget and Policy Center, on state budget dilemmas and issues Feb. 13: Alison Eisinger, MSW ’97, Director of the Seattle-King County Coalition to End Homelessness, on housing policy issues Both sessions are in the Social Work Gallery, 12:30-1:20 p.m. Impacts of Tolling on Low-Income Populations in the Puget Sound Social Work Annual Job Fair The School of Social Work invites you to the 10th annual job fair on April 2 for our graduate/undergraduate students and alumni. The fair is an opportunity for you to share information about your agency and for attendees to meet representatives from agencies and government offices. Feel free to bring materials and handouts, including information about any open or upcoming position openings you may have. Each registered agency will have space at a shared table to display its materials. Space is limited and priority will be given to agencies with available or soon-to-be available jobs. If you’d like to participate, please complete our online registration form. We’ll send you detailed information about set-up, driving directions and parking tips. Registration is free; however, we are no longer able to cover the cost of parking at the University garage. We look forward to hearing from you about your participation in this exciting event. Please contact Linda Ruffer at with any questions. Transcending Global Health Barriers: Education & Action Winter 2009 | Return to issue home | |||