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![]() October 2009
A Welcome from the Dean
Welcome to the first E-news of the School’s 75th anniversary celebration! As Dean, I am honored and thrilled to celebrate values established by the School’s early founders, and look forward to celebrating the School’s many accomplishments! Established in 1934 at the height of the Great Depression, the University of Washington School of Social Work prepared social workers to meet the grand challenges of the time. More... In the Spotlight
Join Us as We Celebrate 75 Years!
After 37 Years, Professor Roger Roffman
Virtual Town Hall Shines Light on Success of Community Drug Prevention System New Book Gets Christine Kessler, MSW '90, 'Off the Couch'
Problem-Based Learning Helps Evaluation Process In the News See which alums, faculty and SSW students are making news. Voices Alumni Group Now on Facebook In Memoriam We remember friends and colleagues we've lost. More. Events
Reconnect! Tell us how you are redefining what's possible in your life, career, community or the world. Please take a few moments to write some professional or personal updates that we can include in future communications, or send us e-mail. If you prefer to mail your update, send to: |
ScienceWatch.com recently ranked the UW fourth in a listing of the most-cited academic institutions by published journals. The UW ranks second on the Sierra Club's "cool school" list of most eco-enlightened American universities.
This newsletter is produced in partnership with the UW Alumni Association to support the School of Social Work and keep you connected to the UW alumni community. UWAA members enjoy great benefits and discounts, career services and more. See what we can offer you. UW student callers help the University keep in touch with alumni and friends by giving them an opportunity to talk to a current student about campus life, to update their contact information and to support the University. Learn how your gift has made a difference to one particular student caller.