UW Undergraduate Academic Affairs E-news
April 2010  |  Return to issue home

Spring Celebration of Service & Leadership

Wednesday, April 28, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Mary Gates Hall Commons

The Spring Celebration of Service and Leadership showcases undergraduates' dedication to service and leadership and the commitment of community partners and faculty to service learning.

Sharla Semana

Sharla Semana

The celebration highlights students' work in our communities through a gallery of student projects, showcasing a variety of topics such as services for children with special needs to P-Patches and urban agriculture. Service learning provides experiential understanding of complex subjects in a way that complements and goes beyond traditional classroom learning. This event is an opportunity for students to present their work and discuss what they do in the community with other students, faculty, community partners, and civic and university leaders and illustrates the undergraduate experience Undergraduate Academic Affairs and the UW strives to offer to all students. The Spring Celebration is co-hosted by the Carlson Leadership & Public Service Center, Jumpstart, the Pipeline Project, and the Mary Gates Endowment for Students.

For more information, e-mail SPRcele@u.washington.edu

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