Transportation Services uses a license plate recognition (LPR) system for enforcement in UW parking lots and garages. The LPR system uses vehicle-mounted cameras to capture images of parked vehicles, including their license plates. The system also records location and date/time information. A detailed privacy policy governs how personal data is collected and used.
To reduce and/or avoid the risk of citation, it is important to enter your license plate information correctly. Whether you are a visitor using a self-serve parking pay machine or PayByPhone, or you are a permit holder, please ensure that you have entered your license plate information accurately.
It is also important to park your vehicle in a space properly so the LPR technology can read your plate information appropriately. Back-in parking can make it difficult for the technology to recognize your vehicle’s plate.
General guidelines
Enter your vehicle license plate number exactly as it appears on the vehicle registration.
Do not enter any dashes as a part of your license plate number. Example: 123-ABC should be entered as 123ABC.
If you have an out-of-state license plate, please enter that information until you receive your Washington license plates. Once you have received and installed your Washington license plates, use that license plate information moving forward when parking on campus.
Similarly, if you have temporary plates, please enter that information until you receive your permanent license plates. Once you have received and installed your permanent license plates, use that license plate information moving forward when parking on campus.
Please enter 0 (number zero) and O (letter O) appropriately. If grouped together with numbers (809), the input would be the number zero. If grouped together with letters (KOL), the input would be the letter O. Some plates will denote zeros by putting a diagonal slash through the middle.
If you have further questions about how to enter your license plate in a pay machine or PayByPhone, speak to a gatehouse staff member or parking enforcement member if they are available.
Here are some common examples of how to enter license plate information properly.
UW plate
The verticle “W” preceding the white text (SMPLE) should be entered as part of the license plate number.
WSU plate
The vertical “WSU” preceding the white text (SMPL) should be entered as part of the license plate number.
Endangered Wildlife plate
The vertical “EW” preceding the black text (SMPLE) should be entered as part of the license plate number.
Seahawks plate
The vertical “SH” preceding the black numbers (12345) should be entered as part of the license plate number.
Disability plate
The vertical “DP” preceding the black numbers (03750) should be entered as part of the license plate number.
Exempt plate
The vertical “XMT” preceding the black text (33174K) should be entered as part of the license plate number.
Military/Veteran plate
The extra text on the plate (Purple Heart, Combat Wounded) is not considered part of the license plate number and should not be entered.