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Lineup Marshals SE

All marshals listed below are to be in position on the Outdoor Practice Field by 12:00 p.m.

Marshal Name Position/Assigned Area
Michaelann Jundt Lead Lining Up Marshal
Asst. Chief Marshal#4/Faculty and candidates line up area
Grand Marshal/Faculty and Candidates
Faculty Marshal/Faculty lineup area
Faculty Marshal/Faculty lineup area
Diana Kramer Entrance Guide
Emily Kolby Lining Up Marshal/as assigned
Lining Up Marshal/as assigned
Lining Up Marshal/as assigned

Schools and Colleges/Tassel/Hood Colors

(This chart may be used to assist you in determining the line-up position of students)

School Tassel/Hood Color School Tassel/Hood Color
Engineering Orange Built Environments Blue Violet
Environment Golden Yellow Medicine Green
Environment (Forest Res) Russet Nursing Apricot
Business Royal Blue Pharmacy Olive Green
Information Lemon Public Health Salmon
Education Light Blue Social Work Citron


Following check-in and brunch at the Touchdown Terrace, report to the Lead Lining Up Marshal on the south side of the Outdoor Practice Field at 12:00 p.m. He will assign you a position inside the facility and provide any additional instructions. Review the information below for your general duties.

You will assist in lining up the graduates and members of the academic procession. Graduates with purple tickets line up on the north half of the Outdoor Practice Field. Graduates with gold tickets line up on e the south. This chart will tell you which graduates are lining up on the north and south. The SE Lineup Chart and the SE Academic Procession chart illustrate how the line up should be arranged. A marshal will head up each of the lines represented on the chart.  Candidates line up in four lines, each of equal length, behind the college marshals, as noted on the chart.  Gonfalonieres carry the gonfalon for each of the schools and colleges and march in front of each group of four lines. Candidates should select a line and stay in it.

As noted above, the charts on the previous webpage explain which students (i.e., students from which Schools and Colleges) should line up in each area. Please make sure that the students in your doctoral and master’s lining up areas are from the correct Schools and Colleges and send any strays to the north side of the Outdoor Practice Field. Students with purple tickets line up on the north side of the Outdoor Practice Field. Students with gold tickets line up on the south side.

East End Marshals will also take their positions at the top of the ramps to the field at 1:15 p.m. The Grand Marshal, followed by the Seating Marshals, Diploma Marshals, Faculty Marshals, faculty and West End Marshals, will enter first. They will process in two parallel lines to the west end of the stadium, turn south, and walk to the center aisle, where they will meet their counterparts coming from the south side. They will then walk down the center aisle towards the stage. Seating marshals will take up their starting positions in front of the stage and help guide the rest of the faculty up the correct ramps to the stage. West End Marshals will take their positions at the west end of the field and await the arrival of the candidates.  The doctoral, master’s, and bachelor candidates will march in four lines and will be directed by the stanchions and westend marshals to the appropriate aisles when they reach the west end of the stadium (see the Lineup Chart).

After the last group has entered the stadium, lineup marshals in academic attire may join the seating marshals, who will be coming to the stage on the south side of the field, and march with them up the outside aisle to the stage. You’ll sit in the faculty seating section at the back. Stage marshals can assist you if necessary. Marshals not in academic attire may take a seat in the stands to view the Commencement proceedings.


  • Do not leave personal belongings in line-up area.
  • Graduates need to use the bathrooms before the procession begins. Once they reach their seats they are not to leave them until the conclusion of the national anthem. Bathrooms will be closed during this time. They need to keep the middle aisle clear at all times during the ceremony. The only exception, for some of them, will be when they are returning from the stage after receiving their diploma covers and mementos.
  • They need to be in their seats just before the speaker begins his address to the students. This occurs right after the presentation of the honorary degree.
  • Each student’s photo is taken as they cross the Commencement stage.  There will be a program on each seat.  Within that program there will be a photography card and pencil. Before they are called to the stage they need to complete this card. When they walk they need to bring the filled-out card and hand it to the photographers.
  • Special Announcement: “All graduates must return to their seats after walking and remain there until all graduates have walked and the stage party has left the stage. If you have a plane to catch, if you have dinner reservations, if you have any reason you cannot stay until the conclusion of the ceremony, you need to leave now.” (This requirement is in the student instructions and is also something the students read as part of the online registration/regalia ordering process.)


If you need to direct anyone to the access (disability) marshals, they are located at the Faculty/Disabled Student Entrances.


Instruction cards for College Marshals will be posted on the main stanchions in the lining up area. These cards cover the basic duties of these marshals as listed below.


The goal is to keep the graduates separated into four lines of approximately equal link. Office of Ceremonies staff will be working to accomplish this goal from the moment graduates leave the lineup area. You may assist them as needed.