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Stage Marshal 47

I. Check-in: Please check in at the Touchdown Terrace. Brunch will be served from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. From there you may proceed to the stage.  Please be on stage by 1:00 p.m. to review your instructions with the other stage marshals.

II. Procession (see stage seating chart): Consult the Stage Seating Chart for the various seating sections. The faculty (academic procession) will arrive on stage first, led by the 2 diploma marshals, who will sit in the third row center with the 2 diploma marshals from the south side.  The faculty will follow and sit in the sections marked Academic Procession on your chart.  Ensure that the general faculty does not sit in the reserved seats marked with name cards.  2 Candidate marshals will follow closely behind the academic procession

College Marshals, who lead the bachelor candidates from the various schools and colleges, will arrive next. Please seat them in the sections labeled for College Marshals.  The various Commencement marshals working on the stadium floor will be last to arrive on stage, following the President’s and Deans’ parties, and will take their labeled seats in the second row.  See the stage seating chart for your seat.

NOTE: When the Deans’ party enters the stadium, please instruct the faculty on stage to stand.  They should remain standing until seated by the President’s Marshal.

III.  March to the Stage:  During the candidates’ march to the stage you will assist one of the Candidate Marshals in stocking the diploma table marked in green on your Stage Marshal 47 Diagram. This mostly involves moving diploma covers from underneath the table (in boxes) and stacking them on top of the table. There might be some boxes of diploma covers just off-stage near the ramps.

IV.  Recession (see Recessional diagram, p. 3):  When the University Marshal announces the “exercises of the University of Washington are now closed,” move to position “B” (see Stage Seating Diagram).  At this time the Grand Marshals should move from their stage seats into position to lead the exit of everyone except the President’s and Deans’ parties.  The 2nd, 3rd & 4th rows should stand but not begin recessing until the deans party is almost off the stage. The Grand Marshals will lead the exit of the rest of the stage party, via the two middle ramps, and lead them back to the Touchdown Terrace. As the last members of the stage party leave the stage, join in behind them.