One of the features of AM11200 is to generate daily data files
that facilitate to the creation of AM11409 report. Since AM11409 report
is crucial for daily auto reconciliation, and since AM11200 is a focal
point in the existence of this report, AM11200 will be modified to create
a similar data file which will eventually be updated into the DMSII
datasets. The revision objective is to create a new data output file known
as AUTOREC11200. This file should consist of
summarized total for each transaction code(debit or credit) with a unique
Entry Type description. When completed, the
AUTOREC11200 file will be updated daily to the BATCH-TOTAL dataset in
the FIN database. This dataset will eventually facilitate to the daily
automated auto reconciliation process.
The criteria for AUTOREC11200 data file should be the same as
the criteria for creating output file for rpt-02. However, the
daily-report logic writes each transaction-code entry to the
daily-report output file, whereas, the AUTOREC11200 data file requires
summarized total of debit or credit amount for each Transaction Code.
Therefore, the program should follow the flow of daily-report, accumulate
the debit and credit amounts in a bucket and write out detail only when
transaction-code changes. The program has a feature that implement the control break
feature as the transaction code changes. A perform statement could be
written within this loop to accumulate the data required for AUTOREC11200.
Extra codes should be written to detect transaction code type and
match it with a related Entry-Type
description. The Entry-Type should be unique
within the following set of keys :
Why AM11200?
Objective for Revision
Modification Details
File Layout - AM11200 Output file (AUTOREC11200)
Data Element Position
File Code 001-003 "BT0"
Filler 004-005 Spaces
Process Date 006-011 yymmdd - from control
Accounting Month 012-013 from control
File Present Flag 014-014 "1" or "0"
Accrual Ind 015-015 from control
Filler 016-end spaces
Data Element Position
File Code 001-003 "BT1"
Transaction Code 004-005 Spaces
Entry Type 006-025 Spaces
Amount 025-038 from control parameter
Filler 039-040 Spaces
Data Element Position
File Code 001-003 "BT9"
Total Records 004-010 Zero
Entry Type