To capture Indirect Cost Contra Budget Number Beginning Fund Balances from the Revenue Ledger Fund Balance routines for use in the reconciliation of the accounting system. These amounts need to be separated out from the total Beginning Fund Balance amounts and displayed separately. The Beginning Fund Balance amount without Indirect Cost Contra Beginning Balance amounts is what is needed to reconcile to the General Ledger. For funds with Indirect Cost Contra budget numbers, the beginning balances amounts for those budgets have created reconciliation variances and have required manual adjustments on reconciliation worksheet X (Revenue Subsidiary Ledger to General Ledger reconciliation) in order to balance.
The following program blocks are central to this modification:There are 10 indirect cost contra budget numbers and, unfortunately the only way to identify them in the program at this time is by creating a hard coded list. They are:
- Working Storage - FUND-TABLE, SAVE-FUND-RCD, LOW-FUND-RCD, 46-DAILY-FUND-CURR-BIEN-RPT --- modify to add new amount field to hold the indirect cost contra amount.
39-9911A test would be applied to REV-BUDGET-NO (from the master Revenue Ledger record) in paragraph 2100-TEST-BUDGET-ACTIVITY following a series of IF statements which set the ACCOUNT type. If the account type is "7" (revenue class="9788") and the budget number is one of the I.D.C.C. budgets, set a switch indicating Indirect Cost Contra Beginning Fund Balances are to be accumulated in the Fund Routines section.
In the fund routines section, if the fund-account (xx) is equal "7" and the ICC Beg Fund Bal switch is set, at the end of paragraph 7030-TAKE-FUND-TOTALS, for record code = "2" (actual), accumulate the revenue amount into a new accumulation field in the FUND-TABLE.
In the 8000-FUND-SORT-PRINT-ROUTINES section, paragraph 8040-FUND-PRINT, the new field would be moved to the expanded report 46 record layout.
Corresponding changes need to be made to AM18009 to correctly display the Fund Balance, and indirect cost contra Fund balance amounts.