

Current revenue for  Report 046 (Daily Fund Totals - Current Revenue),
beginning fund balances for the following funds do not reconcile to
General Ledger control account 9501:

Funds 144, 145, 146, 148, 448, 450, 840, 846, 849, 851, 860,
      961, 962, 963, 964, 965, 966, 967, 969, 970, 971, 972, 
      and 973.

The source of each descrepancy needs to be identified (multiple
sources in some cases) and the remedial action to be taken needs
to be defined for each case.

The same magic figures are plugged in each day in order to reconcile,
but this part of the reconciliation process cannot be translated
into a defined set of procedures which can be automated.

WORKSHEET X-E (Expenditures)

Current Biennium Expenditures from Report 42 are compared to the
sum of the General Ledger Control Accounts for expenditures.  Funds
972 and 973 do not agree with the General Ledger and never will.