November 30, 2023
Annual notification: Anti-kickback, Conflict of Interest, Whistleblower Act, Hotlines

Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR 52.203-7) require the University of Washington to implement procedures designed to prevent and detect violations of the Anti-Kickback Act of 1986 (41 USC 51-58). In addition, state regulations (RCW 42.40) require the university to provide annual notification to employees of the procedures and protections under the Whistleblower Act. These articles are…
November 17, 2022
Annual notification: Anti-kickback, conflict of interest, whistleblower regulations and hotlines

These articles are published as a reminder of the policies and procedures in place at the University of Washington.
February 28, 2022
UW statement on recent gift return, status of Israel Studies program

University of Washington Professor Liora Halperin, supported by the Benaroya endowment, expressed views in a statement that were not shared by the donor, Becky Benaroya. Our mission as a university demands that our scholars have the freedom to pursue their scholarship where it leads them and to freely express their views as academics and as individuals. After several months of good faith conversations between University and Stroum Center leadership, Prof. Halperin and the donor, Mrs. Benaroya requested that her gift be returned, and it was determined that returning the gift was the best path forward.
April 8, 2021
Official notice: UW accreditation evaluation by Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities

Next week the UW will undergo a comprehensive evaluation visit by its accrediting body, the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. This review will involve an assessment of the UW’s initiatives and efforts related to student success, its institutional effectiveness and mission, as well as governance, resources and capacity.
February 3, 2021
Public hearing notice: Rule-making hearing for Chapter 478-121 WAC

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021, via a Zoom conference meeting. The details of the hearing are available on the University Policy and Rules Office website.
January 28, 2021
Official notice: UW determination of non-significance adoption of existing document

The UW Bothell Husky Village Redevelopment project is being proposed in Development Area D of the campus to provide residence halls, apartments, dining, gathering and office space.
December 9, 2020
UW statement in response to claim by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

A statement from the University of Washington in response to allegations U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made during a speech at Georgia Tech on Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020.
December 8, 2020
Annual notification: Anti-kickback, conflict of interest, whistleblower regulations and hotlines

Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR 52.203-7) require the University of Washington to implement procedures designed to prevent and detect violations of the Anti-Kickback Act of 1986 (41 USC 51-58). In addition, state regulations (RCW 42.40) require the university to provide annual notification to employees of the procedures and protections under the Whistleblower Act. These articles are…
December 5, 2020
UW statement on the suspension of Nahziah Carter

The UW’s Title IX Office acted swiftly to gather information, investigate the facts and render carefully considered decisions after fair hearings on these matters. The UW is committed preventing sexual assault and sexual harassment, and to supporting and protecting our students, faculty and staff while upholding due process, and properly investigating and addressing allegations of this nature.
December 3, 2020
UW statement on the termination of professor John Sahr

In October 2019, the UW shared information about the results of a University Complaint Investigation and Resolution Office (UCIRO) investigation into alleged sexual misconduct on the part of John Sahr, a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and former interim director of the Robinson Center for Young Scholars. The adjudication proceeding has concluded and Sahr’s employment was terminated on Nov. 12, and his tenure has been revoked.
October 2, 2019
UW statement on investigation into the conduct of professor John Sahr
University of Washington statement on the investigation into the conduct of professor John Sahr.
March 22, 2018
A blind date in the deep sea: First-ever observations of a living anglerfish, a female with her tiny mate, coupled for life

A pair of anglerfish, a species never before seen alive by humans, was recorded recently on camera by researchers aboard the LULA1000, a submersible operated by the marine science-focused Rebikoff-Niggeler Foundation.
February 14, 2018
Arts Roundup: Cole Porter’s Anything Goes, Jerusalem Quartet, and Feathers of Fire: A Persian Epic

This week in the arts, aboard the S.S. American with the Musical Theater Program’s “Anything Goes,” listen to the Jerusalem Quartet’s warm, full sound, and see a Persian epic portrayed on stage with music and shadow-puppetry.
January 10, 2018
Arts Roundup: Trojan Women: A Love Story, Faculty Dance Concert, Ethnomusicology Visiting Artist Concert: Sepideh Raissadat, and performances by Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Company

This week in the arts, experience a modern portrayal of a classic Greek Tragedy, see the annual Faculty Dance Concert featuring new collaborations with students and guest artists, hear an internationally renowned classical vocalist showcase her work with UW students, and watch dancers tell a story of resilience in the first performance of an exciting trilogy.
January 3, 2018
Arts Roundup: Performances by violinist Itzhak Perlman, Takács Quartet with special guest Erika Eckert, a riveting play — Trojan Women: A Love Story and more

This week in the arts, listen to a duo performance of piano professors, hear the internationally acclaimed Takács String Quartet, promising young pianist Scott Cuellar, immerse yourself in the post-apocalyptic world of Trojan Women: A Love Story, and attend a performance by Grammy and Emmy Award Winning violinist Itzhak Perlman.
October 26, 2017
Serious study of comic art: International conference comes to UW Nov. 2-4

Comics and graphic can be serious business. Scholars, critics, historians, teachers, curators of comic art and graphic publications will gather at the UW and locations in Seattle Nov. 2-4 for the 2017 International Comic Arts Forum.
May 23, 2017
Arts Roundup: UW Sings, Sueño, School of Art IVA Honors + Juried Show, I Dig Dinos, and Manimou Camara

This week in the arts, hear The University Singers, Women’s Choir, and Men’s Glee Club on one stage; see award-winning playwright José Rivera’s adaptation of the classic Life is a Dream, dig dinos at the Burke; check out the latest installment of the School of Art Graduation Exhibitions; and listen to a master drummer performs with his students….
May 3, 2017
UW School of Social Work to host May 9 event ‘How Shifting Federal Priorities Impact the Poor’

For social service agencies, pinning down funding is par for the course. But there is heightened interest in the new administration’s priorities, and whether services to the poor will be among them. That lack of certainty — and a need to share information — prompted the University of Washington School of Social Work and the…
March 29, 2017
Arts Roundup: Last chance for Chuck Close Photographs, Piano and Cello Faculty Recital, Brechemin Piano Series; Music of Today: DXARTS

This week in the arts, get a last look at the comprehensive survey of the photographic work of Chuck Close; hear faculty artists play Beethoven; enjoy piano works from School of Music students; check out groundbreaking new works and modern classics by faculty and guest composers. Chuck Close Photographs Through April 2| Henry Art Gallery Don’t…
September 27, 2016
Researchers modify yeast to show how plants respond to a key hormone

Researchers at the University of Washington have developed a novel toolkit based on modified yeast cells to tease out how plant genes and proteins respond to auxin, the most ubiquitous plant hormone. Their system, described in a paper published Sept. 19 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, allowed them to decode auxin’s basic effects on the diverse family of genes that plants utilize to detect and interpret auxin-driven messages.
August 21, 2016
Is divorce seasonal? UW research shows biannual spike in divorce filings

To everything there is a season — even divorce, new research from University of Washington sociologists concludes. Associate sociology professor Julie Brines and doctoral candidate Brian Serafini found what is believed to be the first quantitative evidence of a seasonal, biannual pattern of filings for divorce. The researchers analyzed filings in Washington state between 2001…
June 29, 2016
UW statement on investigation into the conduct of professor Michael Katze
“When the sexual harassment complaints were made, Dr. Katze was removed from his lab and put on home assignment. A thorough investigation was commenced through UCIRO, the University’s complaint, investigation and resolution office. The investigation found that Dr. Katze had violated University sexual harassment policies. “His conduct was inappropriate and not in any way reflective…
May 24, 2016
Jennifer Cohen appointed athletic director at the UW

UW President Ana Mari Cauce announced Tuesday that after a four-month national search, Jennifer Cohen, senior associate athletic director at the University of Washington, who has been serving as the interim athletic director since January, has been named the UW’s new athletic director, effective June 1. “I am very pleased to announce Jen’s appointment,” said…
May 12, 2016
UW study: state-licensed marijuana canopy enough to satisfy recreational and medical markets

The amount of marijuana allowed to be grown by state-licensed producers in Washington is enough to satisfy both the medical and recreational marijuana markets, a University of Washington study released today finds. The state Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) tasked the UW-based Cannabis Law and Policy Project (CLPP) with calculating the “grow canopy,” or square…
April 10, 2016
Shakespeare at 400: Drama’s Andrew Tsao on teaching The Bard to new generations

Introducing new generations of students to Shakespeare might be less daunting if begun with study of a single, intriguing line, said Andrew Tsao, UW associate professor of drama, at recent workshop for educators on the First Folio at the Seattle Public Library. The First Folio is the common name for a 1623 volume formally titled…
December 4, 2015
UW project focuses on fines and fees that create ‘prisoners of debt’

Criminals are meant to pay their debts to society through sentencing, but a different type of court-imposed debt can tie them to the criminal justice system for life and impact their ability to move forward with their lives. Though debtors’ prisons were eliminated in the United States almost two centuries ago, a modern-day version exists…
December 2, 2015
Arts Roundup: Drama, Modern Music – and CarolFest

December is off to a busy start for the arts on campus. The School of Drama has two productions running this week, and UW World Series wraps up the calendar year with a performance by acapella ensemble Anonymous 4. The School of Music is brimming with events, from medieval holiday music and CarolFest to modern…
October 22, 2015
New UW model helps zero in on harmful genetic mutations

By more accurately predicting how variations in DNA sequences affect gene splicing, a new UW model and publicly available Web tool can help narrow down which genetic mutations cause disease and which have little effect on a person’s health.
October 7, 2015
Public notice: Determination of significance and request for comments on scope of Environmental Impact Statement (Campus Master Plan update)
Project Name: University of Washington Seattle Campus Master Plan Update Proponent: University of Washington Description of Proposal: The University of Washington Seattle Campus Master Plan Update will guide development on the Seattle Campus, building on and updating the 2003 Campus Master Plan and extending the continuity of planning developed over the last century. The Campus…
Public notice: Availability of a draft supplemental environmental impact statement (DEIS) — CSE II Project
Pursuant to the provisions of WAC 197-11-455 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and WAC 478-324-140, the University of Washington hereby provides public notice of the availability of a draft supplemental environmental impact statement (DEIS)
September 30, 2015
Arts Roundup: Photography, a world premiere – and the acoustics of books

This week, UW World Series begins its 2015-2016 season at Meany Hall with Japanese butoh ensemble Sankai Juku, and continues with a collaboration between string quartet ETHEL and Native American flutist Robert Mirabal. Just across Red Square, acoustical engineer Zackery Belanger explores the acoustics of books in a Henry Art Gallery talk, where visitors will…
September 29, 2015
Arsenic found in many U.S. red wines, but health risks depend on total diet

A new UW study that tested 65 wines from America’s top four wine-producing states — California, Washington, New York and Oregon — found all but one have arsenic levels that exceed what’s allowed in drinking water. But health risks from that toxic element depend on what else a person is eating.
September 11, 2015
Availability of a final environmental impact statement (DEIS)

Pursuant to the provisions of ROW 43.210 and WAC 197-11-460 & 510 and WAC 478-324-140, the University of Washington hereby provides public notice of the: AVAILABILITY OF A FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (DEIS) Project name: Life Sciences Building Proponent: University of Washington Description: The proposed Life Sciences Building (LSB) will accommodate new laboratory and office…
August 20, 2015
Notice of possible rule making preproposal statement of inquiry

Subject of Possible Rule Making: Chapter 478-168 WAC, Admission and Registration Procedures for the University of Washington Statutes Authorizing the University to Adopt Rules on This Subject: RCW 28B.20.130. Reasons Why Rules on This Subject May Be Needed and What They Might Accomplish: Chapter 478-160 WAC needs a complete review to bring the chapter up…
August 12, 2015
CO2 emissions change with size of streams and rivers

Researchers have shown that CO2 appears in streams by way of two different sources — either as a direct pipeline for groundwater and carbon-rich soils, or from aquatic organisms releasing the gas through respiration and natural decay.
July 28, 2015
‘Antigona’ dance performance born at UW nominated for two Bessie awards

“Antigona,” a dance production by Soledad Barrio & Noche Flamenca that was born at the University of Washington, has been nominated for two Bessie awards — the highest tribute in the New York dance world.
July 16, 2015
Many mobile health apps neglect needs of blind users

University of Washington researchers who conducted the first academic review of nine mhealth iPhone apps on the market in March 2014 found none met all the criteria that would make them accessible to blind customers. Accessibility shortcomings ranged from improperly labeled buttons to layouts that confuse built-in screen readers that assist low-vision smartphone users.
June 18, 2015
UW and Tsinghua University create groundbreaking partnership with launch of the Global Innovation Exchange

In pursuit of solutions to some of the biggest global challenges, two of the world’s leading research universities, the University of Washington and Tsinghua University, are partnering to create the Global Innovation Exchange (GIX), an institute dedicated to educating the next generation of innovators. With $40 million in foundational support from Microsoft, GIX will bring…
June 15, 2015
UW notified of Office for Civil Rights inquiry

The University of Washington has received notice from the United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) that a complaint has been filed by a student alleging discrimination under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 for failing to provide the student with a prompt and equitable grievance process after the student…
May 21, 2015
Arts Roundup: Jazz, yoga – and Cloud Chamber Bowls

The School of Music offers a variety of events this week, highlighting jazz modern, percussion, and the music and instruments of 20th century composer Harry Partch. ArtsUW presents its final Arts Dawgs reception of the year, co-hosted by the School of Art + Art History + Design at the Henry Art Gallery, celebrating the opening of…
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