The IMSD program is currently suspended. Please visit the Health Sciences Center Minority Students Program website to learn about similar programs for underrepresented minority and disadvantaged students interested in health sciences.
Our Programs
Boot Camp
IMSD’s Boot Camp program introduces incoming freshmen (and occasionally transfer students) to science and mathematics coursework, studying and learning techniques, and resources available at the University of Washington and the surrounding Seattle area.
Chem Scholars
The University of Washington Chem Scholars “pilot” program, which launched in July 2012, features three components: understanding the mathematics of chemistry rather than concept development; the creation of a Chem Scholars community which fosters long-term cooperation among its students; and time management.
Research Scholars
IMSD-affiliated students are eligible to participate in paid, year-long and/or summer research experiences. IMSD students who participate for the entire 18-month research period receive 1,480 hours of laboratory, technical and methodological skills and expertise.
Teach Lab
The Teach Lab component of the UW IMSD program demonstrates that the science lab is among the “richest experiences students can have at the University. It is one of the few opportunities students have to practice science in a similar way that professionals do.”
The Initiative for Maximizing Student Development is a program collaboration between the UW Department of Bioengineering and the UW Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity. Our funding agency is the National Institutes of Health: National Institute of General Medical Science (NIGMS).
Grant Number: 5 R25 GM058501 12