Our First Few Days in Brisbane
August 26, 2018
Sydney was a great time for all of us to take it easy, bond, and do all the standard Australia tourist-y things we wanted to do (see: obligatory Sydney Opera House picture in each person’s camera roll)…
Getting to Know The Whole Crew!
August 21, 2018
Now that you guys have gotten to know Lunden and me pretty well, it’s only fair that we give everyone else on this trip a fair chance. We asked the students and faculty with us…
First Days Down Under
August 20, 2018
G’day mates! I’m here to update you on our trip. When we first arrived to Australia we stayed in a youth hostel in Sydney, New South Wales. The hostel had a restaurant attached, a kitchen to cook food…
Getting to Know Australian Blogger Lunden Harris
August 17, 2018
Hi! My name is Lunden Harris and I will be one of two study abroad bloggers keeping you updated on our adventure down under! My 2018 UW STEM Study Abroad group will be studying at…
Getting to Know Australian Blogger Cara Mischinski
August 11, 2018
G’day mates! (I know… I hate myself more for that one than any of y’all could, but I have to start this thing somehow). My name is Cara Mischinski, and I am going to…

Greetings from Australia
September 11, 2016
Hi there, I must admit that I have not been keeping up with blogging lately because although life in Seattle is fast, life in Australia has been incredibly jam packed in the best way possible!
Initiate! – Week One at Brisbane
August 28, 2016
Greetings from Brisbane, Australia! My name is Kevin Soukiazian and I am currently a Sophomore in Industrial & Systems Engineering at UW Seattle. My hometown is Issaquah, WA and I have chosen to be a…
Week One in Australia
August 26, 2016
Hey there! My name is Viviana Castillo, I am an Oceanography major at the University of Washington. I am extremely excited to be a part of this incredible program in which I will get an…
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