Planning & Budgeting

State Legislature

November 26, 2024

November Revenue Forecast Down Slightly for Current and 2025-27 Biennia, Further Straining State Budget

The Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released its November revenue forecast on Wednesday, November 20, 2024. Revenue projections were down slightly for the current 2023-25 biennium as well as for the upcoming 2025-27 biennium. In September, we highlighted that experts expected revenue to remain steady relative to previous projections for the current…

October 7, 2024

September Revenue Forecast Flat for Current and 2025-27 Biennia 

The Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released its September revenue forecast on Friday, September 27, 2024. Revenue projections were relatively flat for the 2023-25 biennium as well as for the upcoming 2025-27 biennium.   In June, we highlighted that experts expected revenue to fall from previous projections for the 2023-25 and 2025-27 biennia….

July 3, 2024

June Revenue Forecast Revised Downward for Current and 2025-27 Biennia

The Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released its June revenue forecast on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. Revenue projections were revised downward for the current 2023-25 biennium as well as for the 2025-27 biennium.   In February, we highlighted that experts expected revenue to increase over previous projections for the 2023-25 and 2025-27 biennia….

February 16, 2024

February Revenue Forecast Again Revised Upward for Current Biennium

The Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released its February revenue forecast on Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Revenue projections were again revised upward for the current 2023-25 biennium as well as for the 2025-27 biennium. In November, we highlighted that experts expected revenue to increase over recent projections for the 2023-25 and 2025-27…

November 21, 2023

November Revenue Forecast Revised Upward for Current Biennium

The Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released its November revenue forecast on Monday, November 20, 2023. Revenue projections were again revised upward for the current 2023-25 biennium as well as for the 2025-27 biennium. In September, we highlighted that experts expected revenue to increase over recent projections for the 2023-25 and 2025-27…

October 4, 2023

September Revenue Forecast Revised Upward for Current Biennium, Returning to Previously Projected Levels Despite Slowing Growth

The Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released its September revenue forecast on Tuesday, September 26, 2023. Revenue projections were again revised upward for the 2023-25 and 2025-27 biennia, as well as for the 2021-23 biennium that ended on June 30. In June, we highlighted that experts expected revenue to increase slightly over…

June 28, 2023

June Revenue Forecast Projections Revised Slightly Upward for Upcoming Biennium, Despite Slowing Growth

The Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released its June revenue forecast on Tuesday, June 27, 2023. Revenue projections have been revised slightly upward for the current biennium as well as for the 2023-25 and 2025-27 biennia. In March, we highlighted that experts expected revenue to decrease over previous projections for the 2023-25…

March 22, 2023

March Revenue Forecast Projections Revised Downward for Upcoming Biennium

The Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released its March revenue forecast on Monday, March 20, 2023. In November, we highlighted revenue projections for the 2023-25 biennium and summarized experts’ cautions regarding slowing economic growth. These concerns were associated with rising inflation and interest rates, in addition to geopolitical factors including the war…

November 22, 2022

November Revenue Forecast Reports Increased Projections for the Current and Upcoming Biennia, While Economic Growth Continues to Slow

The Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released its November revenue forecast on Friday, November 18, 2022. In September’s forecast, we highlighted revenue projections for the 2023-25 biennium and summarized experts’ cautions towards slowing economic growth. This was associated with rising inflation and interest rates, in addition to geopolitical factors including ongoing supply chain disruptions….

September 29, 2022

September Revenue Forecast reduces projections for the 2023-25 Biennium, as growth slows more than anticipated

Overview The Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released its September revenue forecast on September 21, 2022. We noted in our June 2022 blog post that the June forecast showed continued economic growth, but warned growth was slowing in the face of rising inflation and interest rates, as well as continued supply chain disruptions and other…

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