Planning & Budgeting


January 16, 2024

Announcing a new organization: Finance, Planning & Budgeting

Effective January 16, 2024, UW Finance and the Office of Planning & Budgeting have united as one team. Sarah Norris Hall will serve as Senior Vice President of Finance, Planning & Budgeting (FPB). This organizational chart reflects the new organization with leadership updates and high-level reporting structures. FPB Org Chart FPB org chart text only Message…

January 12, 2024

UW finance, planning and budgeting merge to better serve faculty, staff and students

Photo collage of Jessica Bertram, Sarah Norris Hall and Jason Campbell

From 1/12/24 UW News President Ana Mari Cauce and Provost Tricia Serio announced an organizational and leadership restructuring in the areas of finance, planning and budgeting aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of these areas’ service to the University community. The changes, which take effect Tuesday, Jan. 16, come after an external review determined…

November 14, 2019

Income Share Agreement Update

Income Share Agreements (ISAs) have grown in popularity in recent years. They have been lauded by some as a solution to the student debt crisis, and criticized by others for further complicating the education finance market. Given the continued interest in ISAs, we have updated our 2016 brief on the topic. Here are some key…

June 10, 2016

2016-17 Cost of Attendance for First-Year UW Undergrads

The estimated annual cost of attendance for first-year UW undergraduates is now available for the 2016-17 academic year.  Cost of attendance shows estimated expenses by campus for: Tuition Student fees Room & board Books, personal, & transportation Cost of attendance (COA) is defined by the Higher Education Act.  It is a statutory term that typically refers to the…

August 4, 2015

2015 Bill Summary Now Available

Under the “Briefs” tab of the OPB website, you will find the 2015 Bill Summary, which provides a list of all the bills we tracked during the 2015 legislative session that passed into law.  Links to veto messages are displayed for any bills that were partially vetoed by the Governor. Of the 538 bills that…

April 13, 2015

Report confirms continuing economic recovery and restoration of state funding for higher education

State Higher education Executive Officer (SHEEO) announced its annual release of State Higher Education Finance (SHEF) report for FY14, which provides a comprehensive review of state and local funding, tuition revenue, and enrollment trends for public higher education. National trends and Current status of state funding for higher education On average, state and local support…

December 17, 2014

Governor’s Budget To Be Released Tomorrow

Stay tuned!  We’ll post more information tomorrow.

September 10, 2014

Rankings Abound

The Equity Line, among others, highlights how the recent NYT rankings of colleges by enrollment of Pell Grant recipients is a nice gesture, but lacking in many ways. The University of Washington (and most public institutions!) was not evaluated as part of the effort, though one-quarter of its undergraduate population received Pell Grant funding last…

June 6, 2014

Pew Center’s 5 Facts About College Graduates

With graduation season upon us, the Pew Research Center has created a roundup of “5 Facts About Today’s College Graduates.” The article draws from several national databases and surveys, including the National Center for Education Statistics, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and Pew surveys. 1.       Only about 56% of students actually graduate within six…

September 19, 2013

Higher Education and Career-Ready Graduates: New Surveys Offer Insight into America’s Opinions

The results of two new surveys released Tuesday reveal some of America’s views on both the future of higher education as well as its role in producing desirable outcomes, particularly career-ready graduates. Under Northeastern University’s sponsorship, FTI Consulting surveyed 263 hiring managers in July as well as 1,000 adult Americans in August.  Here are some…

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