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Universal U-PASS is now here!

Outgoing PSO Board member, Matt Weatherford, co-authored an article that documented the journey of how a coalition of employees, unions, and community members helped pass the fully-subsidized U-PASS as an universal employee benefit. PSO has also published our own timeline of transportation advocacy that supported the creation of this benefit.

Reminder! Everyone that is paid by the University of Washington can now use their Husky Card as a transit pass! See UW HR’s U-PASS webpage for more information.

PSO comments regarding changes in parking and UPASS

On February 11, PSO summited the following letter to Transportation Services as our public comment regarding to the proposed changes to parking the UPASS. See our previous blog post on how you can summit on your own comment.

On behalf of the nearly 10,000 members of the UW Professional staff, the PSO Board hereby

    1. Supports extending a fully-subsidized U-PASS to ALL employees. Professional Staff have expressed support for a fully-subsidized U-PASS in PSO’s 2019 U-PASS survey and 2021 On-site work survey. In previous public meetings regarding parking rates, PSO advocated for a fully-subsidized U-PASS. We agree with the proposed shift away from the unsustainable model of funding the U-PASS through parking fees. Having the U-PASS as a universal benefit will help meet UW’s goal of less than 12% or fewer commuting trips made by driving alone by 2028.
    2. Calls on UW to find a more equitable way to price parking. An increase in parking rates will be another, disproportionate financial burden placed on some staff where parking is the only option including for employees with certain disabilities. When surveyed, professional staff had concerns over increased parking rates. Increasing the overall price for parking will help pay for expensive parking infrastructure, address deferred maintenance, reduce parking usage as outlined in the Campus Master Plan, and reduce carbon emissions. We appreciate the availability of lower cost lots, but UW needs to identify strategies that do not penalize the people who are already struggling the most.
    3. Urges the UW to work to improve transit service. Reduced and inadequate transit service restricts commuting options for many employees such as those who must juggle off-peak work schedules and/or caregiving responsibilities. The UW must actively participate in improving the regional transit system by advocating for improvements. Transparency and communication will strengthen the work being done in this area by Transportation Services. The U-PASS should be a useful benefit to ALL UW employees.

Last but not least, the skyrocketing cost of living and lack of affordable housing push Professional Staff and other members of the UW community to live farther away from campus. By working in partnership with local and regional leadership, UW needs to continue to address the underlying systemic issues that help create long commutes.


The Professional Staff Organization (PSO) Board
Professional Staff Organization, University of Washington

Public hearing on parking rate increase and universal UPASS

Transportation Services (TS) is hosting a public forum with the Seattle campus community on a proposal to update the department’s funding model to better support long-term sustainability. The main recommendations of the proposal include:

    • Increase parking fees by 4% in FY23, FY24, FY25 and FY26
    • Provide fully subsidized U-PASS to Faculty and Professional staff
    • Reduce U-PASS and shuttle funding’s dependence on parking revenue
    • Increase deferred maintenance and strategic initiative spending

You can read more details on the proposal and the rationale behind it on the public hearing information site. TS is holding an online public hearing about these changes on Tuesday, February 22, 12 – 1pm.

This meeting will be held via Zoom at

  • Meeting ID: 933 0290 0319
  • Dial in option: 206-337-9723 or 253-215-8782

You can also send feedback via email on later than Tuesday, February 22 via You can read PSO’s summited comments in this blog post. PSO urges professional staff to attend or send emails to share their perspectives on this proposal.

Sustainability Action 5-year Plan finalized

The UW has finalized its new Sustainability Action Plan, including five guiding principles and 10 measurable targets to ensure a sustainable, equitable and responsible future across all three campuses.

This Plan will guide the University’s efforts over the next five years.

A very brief subset of these targets include:

  • Expanding virtual conferencing
  • More Professional development opportunities for staff
  • Promoting Commute Options Toward SOV Reduction. (12% SOV rate goal by 2028)
  • Promote Car Shares and UW Shuttle Service
  • Fleet electrification
  • Greenhouse gas and waste reduction

At a glance/summary page here:

View full Plan details here: