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Public Records and Open Meetings

In 1971, Washington enacted the Public Records Act, followed by the Open Public Meetings Act in 1972, both of which were designed to ensure transparency and provide citizens with access to government.

The staff of the Office of Public Records and Open Public Meetings oversees the university’s compliance with the Public Records Act and the Open Public Meeting Act.

Submit a public record request

How do I make a public records request?

You may submit a public records request through our Public Records Portal.

Alternatively, you may email your request to, fax your request to (206) 616-6294, or mail your request to:

Office of Public Records & Open Public Meetings
4320 Brooklyn Ave NE, Suite 402
Box 354997
Seattle, WA 98105

If you need assistance, please contact us by telephone or in person (by appointment only) and we will assist you.

Requests must include your contact information and a description of the identifiable records sought.

How do I request my personnel file?

If you are current faculty or staff, please submit your Official Personnel File Access Request to Human Resources.

How do I access my payslips?

Current employees may access their payslips and paychecks by following the instructions on the Your Paycheck and Payslip access page.

Former employees are eligible to access electronic copies of their payslips through the remainder of the year in which they left the University, plus three years afterward. Instructions for accessing your payslips can be found on the Former Employees Resource Page.

How do I submit a request for employment verification?

To submit a request for employment verification, please visit the Employment Verification Requests page.

How do I request medical records?

If you are seeking medical records, please visit the UW Medicine Patient Resources page for guidance.

How do I request my student records, including my transcript and enrollment/graduation verification?

If you are a student, you may request your transcript via the Registrar’s Transcripts page.

Requests for enrollment/graduation verification, please visit the Registrar’s Enrollment Verification page.

For all other FERPA requests, please submit a Release of Records Request through the Registrar.

How do I locate the University’s retention schedule?

The University’s general retention schedule and department retention schedules are managed by Records Management Services.  Please direct questions regarding retention to Records Management.