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Frequently asked questions

How do I make a public records request?

You may submit a public records request through our Public Records Portal.

Alternatively, you may email your request to, fax your request to (206) 616-6294, or mail your request to:

Office of Public Records & Open Public Meetings
4320 Brooklyn Ave NE, Suite 402
Seattle, WA 98105

If you need assistance, please contact us by telephone or in person (by appointment only) and we will assist you.

Requests must include your contact information and a description of the identifiable records sought.

What happens when I make a public records request?

The Office of Public Records and Open Public Meetings is the point of contact for all UW public records requests.  Within 5 business days, we will acknowledge your request via email and provide an estimated completion date for your request.  This date is subject to change.  If your request is broad or vague (ex: “all documents,” “all emails,” “all employees”, etc.), you will likely receive a request for clarification prior to the collection or review of records.  Estimated response times depend on many factors such as volume, complexity, workload, and the possible need for clarification or third-party notifications.

The University has hundreds of departments and thousands of units.  When a public records request is received, the Office of Public Records and Open Public Meetings forwards your request to any potential custodial department/s.  The department/s will identify, collect, and forward responsive records to the Office of Public Records and Open Public Meetings.  Once records are received by our office, public records staff will review the records for possible exemptions under the Public Records Act or any other applicable laws, including state law, federal law, and case law.  If third parties are affected by your request, notifications may be sent to third parties who have an interest in the records to be disclosed.

You will be notified by email once records are available for release.  Larger or more complex requests will be released in installments as they become available.

How can I receive records?

Requesters can receive records in the following ways:

  • Digital records via our online portal*
  • Records mailed to your address on a thumb drive**
  • In-person pick up of a thumb drive or photocopies (by appointment only)

*Requesters who submit their public records request through the online portal will receive digital records.

**Requests received via methods other than the online portal will receive records on a thumb drive sent via U.S. mail, unless the requester specifies otherwise.

How much does it cost to obtain public records?

Costs vary based on a requester’s chosen delivery method:

Online portal

  • $0.05 for every 4 files and $0.10 per GB

Thumb drive

  • 16GB Thumb Drive $4.39
  • 32GB Thumb Drive $7.93
  • 64GB Thumb Drive $8.81
  • 128GB Thumb Drive $19.79
  • 256GB Thumb Drive $28.65
  • 1TB External Drive $60.54
  • PLUS packaging ($0.29) and postage ($4.00)

In-person pickup

  • Costs of digital media (see above) or a Black & White photocopy ($0.15/page)

Requesters will be notified in advance of any non-standard charges.

The portal says my password is incorrect, what should I do?

Our portal automatically resets a password every 42 days. If you have not accessed your account recently, you may need to reset your password.

How do I request my personnel file?

If you are current faculty or staff, please submit your Official Personnel File Access Request to Human Resources.

How do I access my payslips?

Current employees may access their payslips and paychecks by following the instructions on the Your Paycheck and Payslip access page.

Former employees are eligible to access electronic copies of their payslips through the remainder of the year in which they left the University, plus three years afterward. Instructions for accessing your payslips can be found on the Former Employees Resource Page.

How do I submit a request for employment verification?

To submit a request for employment verification, please visit the Employment Verification Requests page.

How do I request medical records?

If you are seeking medical records, please visit the UW Medicine Patient Resources page for guidance.

How do I request my student records, including my transcript and enrollment/graduation verification?

If you are a student, you may request your transcript via the Registrar’s Transcripts page.

Requests for enrollment/graduation verification, please visit the Registrar’s Enrollment Verification page.

For all other FERPA requests, please submit a Release of Records Request through the Registrar.

How do I locate the University’s retention schedule?

The University’s general retention schedule and department retention schedules are managed by Records Management Services.  Please direct questions regarding retention to Records Management.