Friday, January 19, 2001
1:00 p.m.
Walker-Ames Room
Kane Hall

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Confirm Agenda
Report of the President of the Board of Regents: Regent Proctor
Election of Assistant Secretary
Report of the University President:Dr. McCormick
Report of 5th Annual National Conference, "People of Color in Predominately White Institutions: Building Diversity in the University and the Community"
(Information Only)
Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes of Meeting of November 17, 2000  
School of Law-Degree Title Change for the Taxation Program Option to Master of Laws in Taxation A-2
UW Bothell Business Administration Program-Change in Degree Title from the Master of Management to the Master of Business Administration A-3
Grant and Contract Awards - October and November 2000 F-2
Law School Financing Plan F-3
Bioengineering Building-Architectural Opportunities Report-Approval C-2
VII. Standing Committees
A. Academic and Student Affairs Committee: Regent Chin - Chair
Academic and Administrative Appointments A-1
B. Finance and Audit Committee: Regent Brotman - Chair
Gift Report - November and December, 2000 (Information Only) F-1
Investment Manager Recommendation-Frazier Healthcare IV (Committee Action Only) F-4
Harbour Vest International Private Equity Partners IV (Committee Action Only) F-5
Absolute Return Limited Partnership Recommendation - Adamas Partners (Information Only) F-6
C. Capital Assets Committee: Regent Grinstein - Chair
CPO Semi Annual Status Report of Projects Over $5 Million (Information Only) C-1
Sand Point Education Area - Status Report (Information Only) C-3
  D. Strategic Emphases Committee: Regent Zehnder - Chair
Other Business
Reports from ex officio representatives to the Board:  
ASUW President - Ms. Jasmin Weaver
GPSS President - Mr. H. Gorkem Kuterdem
Alumni Association President - Ms. Patricia Bostrom
Faculty Senate Chairman - Prof. Mary B. Coney
IX. Date for Next Regular Meeting: February 16, 2001
Executive Session
(to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation to which the governing body or agency is or may be a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency)
XI. Adjournment