October 15, 1999
1:30 p.m.
Walker-Ames Room
Kane Hall

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Confirm Agenda
Approval of Minutes Previously Distributed:
Minutes of meeting of September 17, 1999  
Report of the President of the Board of Regents: Regent Gates
Appointment of Regent Representative to the University of Washington Medical Center Board BP-1
Report of the University President: Dr. McCormick
VII. Standing Committees
A. Academic and Student Affairs Committee: Regent Proctor - Chairman
Academic and Administrative Appointments A-1
Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA) Medical Expense Plan (MEP) A-2
B. Finance and Audit Committee: Regent Yapp - Chairman
Grant and Contract Awards for June 1999 and July 1999 F-1
Fiscal Year 2000 Supplemental Operating and Capital Budget Requests F-2
Limited Partnership Recommendation: Lone Pine Capital F-3
Limited Partnership Recommendation: NEA IX F-4
Invested Funds -- Investment Strategies (Committee Action Only) F-5
Gift Report - September, 1999 (Information Only) F-6
Monthly Investment Report - August, 1999 (Information Only) F-7
Limited Partnership Recommendation: Sevin Rosen VII F-8
C. Capital Assets Committee: Regent Evans - Chairman
Renaming of the Seafirst Executive Education Center C-1
Naming of the Planned New Law School Building C-2
Metropolitan Tract - Annual Financial Audit by Deloitte & Touche (Committee Action Only) C-3
Purchase Computing Equipment C-4
D. Strategic Planning Committee: Regent Zehnder - Chairman
1999-2000 Strategic Emphases for the President and the Administration of the University of Washington S-1
Other Business
Reports from ex officio representatives to the Board:  
ASUW President - Mr. Ryan Biava
GPSS President - Mr. Richard Heyman
Alumni Association President - Mr. Geoffrey Vernon
Faculty Senate Chairman - Prof. Gerry F. Philipsen
IX. Date for Next Regular Meeting: November 19, 1999
X. Executive Session
XI. Adjournment