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Summer Quarter Report Previous Next

I. Mandate

The Summer Quarter committee was appointed by Acting Provost Huntsman on 25 September, 1996. The essence of its mandate was this: "The charge to the committee is to consider alternative uses of Summer Quarter, including the possibility of transforming summer quarter from a self-sustaining to a state-supported academic quarter just like Autumn, Winter and Spring." Our deliberations were further guided by the desire to maximize the use of the University's existing facilities. A copy of the appointment letter, which gives the full scope of the committee's mandate, the framework for our deliberations, and a listing of the membership of the committee, is attached as Appendix I.

Much of the impetus for the committee's deliberations concerns educational access, particularly of undergraduate students. Summer Quarter, 1995, served 14,138 enrollees, or 9,133 FTE students. This represents 28% of the Autumn, 1995, FTE students, and 35% of the headcount. Of these, 83% are matriculated undergraduate students who participate in the rest of the academic year. The maximum total capacity of the University's physical plant is estimated to be 34,766, based on peak enrollments during the early 1970's. Moreover, it is estimated that the classroom use is 70% at the very busiest times, 10:30 and 11:30, and considerably less at other times. Perhaps the key question addressed by the committee was how to increase the number of FTE students served in an academic year by increasing participation in Summer Quarter, and what types of adjustment in the present Summer Quarter might lead to this outcome of enhanced participation.

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