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TCAC Homepage August 1999 Report Index

TCAC August 1999 Report
Full Report

Section III: Advice to the Provost

Part 1. Overview

What can Be Done?

Keeping benefits to students in mind, the committee recognizes the necessity of sustaining high-quality institution building (and, therefore, high-quality educational opportunities at UW Bothell and UW Tacoma) during this coming period of significant growth. Again, with students in mind, it also perceives the key importance, over time, of enabling the faculty at UW Bothell and UW Tacoma to engage consistently in successful professional development as teachers and scholars (i.e., in renewal) and, further, to engage fully in building the viable, effective and diverse Three Campus UW described in the Executive Summary of this report. The committee has concluded that a synergistic combination of three conditions will be required to successfully attain all these desired results.

TCAC Homepage August 1999 Report Index