Application History
This section lists all of the applications you have submitted and shows their status. The following image shows the history section with several applications listed. The fields are described below.
Field | Description |
Name | Your legal name as entered in the UW human resources system |
Application Number | The system assigns a system-generated unique number with a prefix of AUMS to each application. Click on this value to open and view the application. If your application was to decline screening, you will see that indicated in this column. |
Date Submitted | This is the date you completed and submitted the application. |
Status | This is the review status of your application. The Occupation Health Nurses (OHN) will assign an appropriate status as they review and process your application.
Values are
Review Completed | This is the date the OHN completed their review of your application. |
Recall Date | This value is determined by the OHN based on the information in your application. |
Documents | Once the OHN have reviewed and cleared your application, they will attach a copy of your Clearance Letter. A link to it appears in this column. |