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September 2019 SAGE Maintenance Release

SFI Entity Type update

A change has been made to the Entity Type field when users are adding or updating SFI in FIDS. The “Foreign Government” entity type is now relabeled as “Foreign Government/Institution of Higher Ed” to better align with NIH disclosure requirements.

FIDS Reviewer: Update to Related Sponsored Research display

To better assist FIDS reviewers in monitoring compliance, a change has been made to the display of Related Sponsored Research (eGC1s). For eGC1’s that are in “Awarded” status the system will now show the most current and relevant related eGC1s based on the end date of the Funding Action instead of the end date of the eGC1. This will mitigate the accidental omissions of eGC1s whose anticipated start and end dates differ greatly from the Funding Action start and end dates.

For additional helpful context, the start and end dates of eGC1s will display in the list, when the eGC1 has not yet been awarded. Once awarded, then the Funding Action start and end dates will display in the list, along with the FA Number for reference.

July 2019 Maintenance Release

Change of Review Status Now Allowed in Reviewer Module

FIDS reviewers are now able to revert a previously completed disclosure back to an earlier status, directly from the reviewer module. This will allow reviewers to revisit earlier disclosures when new SFI is added or make corrections as required.

FIX: Application PI eGC1s are not displaying properly in FIDS

The FIDS profile and reviewer modules have been updated to properly display all recent eGC1s for an investigator, including those for which the investigator is listed as the Application PI.

FIX: FIDS SFI not displaying when in FIDS Reviewer detail

An issue that was causing a rare discrepancy between SFI totals and SFI detail view in FIDS Reviewer has been resolved. The discrepancy occurred when an SFI’s End Date occurred exactly 1 year prior to a disclosure’s Date Review Completed.Totals and detail views now share the same display rules which compare date only and exclude time.

June 2016 SAGE Maintenance Release

FIDS: Suppress annual SFI disclosure overdue email

At the request of the Office of Research, the third and final reminder email sent to investigators that have not submitted an SFI disclosures for 365 days will no longer be sent. This final email cc’ed all related principal investigators which caused confusion/frustration.