Current Sponsored Research Projects
This section lists your recently created, approved, and/or awarded eGC1s. The information displayed is:
- The eGC1 (application proposal) number
- The eGC1 full title
- Your role
- The sponsor
- The current status of the eGC1
You cannot change this information in FIDS. You may be able to update some of it in SAGE.
Note: For a definition of “recently created, approved and/or awarded” review the eGC1s Displayed article.
The following image shows an example of this section, and indicates the Can’t see your eGC1? link at the bottom of the section.
If you don’t see an eGC1 listed for which you are an investigator, you can include it on this list by clicking the Can’t see your eGC1? link and following the instructions. Review Add Additional Sponsored Research.