Product Updates

September 2019 SAGE Maintenance Release

SFI Entity Type update

A change has been made to the Entity Type field when users are adding or updating SFI in FIDS. The “Foreign Government” entity type is now relabeled as “Foreign Government/Institution of Higher Ed” to better align with NIH disclosure requirements.

FIDS Reviewer: Update to Related Sponsored Research display

To better assist FIDS reviewers in monitoring compliance, a change has been made to the display of Related Sponsored Research (eGC1s). For eGC1’s that are in “Awarded” status the system will now show the most current and relevant related eGC1s based on the end date of the Funding Action instead of the end date of the eGC1. This will mitigate the accidental omissions of eGC1s whose anticipated start and end dates differ greatly from the Funding Action start and end dates.

For additional helpful context, the start and end dates of eGC1s will display in the list, when the eGC1 has not yet been awarded. Once awarded, then the Funding Action start and end dates will display in the list, along with the FA Number for reference.

July 2019 Maintenance Release

Change of Review Status Now Allowed in Reviewer Module

FIDS reviewers are now able to revert a previously completed disclosure back to an earlier status, directly from the reviewer module. This will allow reviewers to revisit earlier disclosures when new SFI is added or make corrections as required.

FIX: Application PI eGC1s are not displaying properly in FIDS

The FIDS profile and reviewer modules have been updated to properly display all recent eGC1s for an investigator, including those for which the investigator is listed as the Application PI.

FIX: FIDS SFI not displaying when in FIDS Reviewer detail

An issue that was causing a rare discrepancy between SFI totals and SFI detail view in FIDS Reviewer has been resolved. The discrepancy occurred when an SFI’s End Date occurred exactly 1 year prior to a disclosure’s Date Review Completed.Totals and detail views now share the same display rules which compare date only and exclude time.

June 2016 SAGE Maintenance Release

FIDS: Suppress annual SFI disclosure overdue email

At the request of the Office of Research, the third and final reminder email sent to investigators that have not submitted an SFI disclosures for 365 days will no longer be sent. This final email cc’ed all related principal investigators which caused confusion/frustration.

December 2015 Maintenance Release


C4C to CoMotion Name Change in FIDS

References to C4C in FIDS have been updated to that office’s new title of CoMotion.

May 2015 Maintenance Release

Revised Disclosure Review Statuses

A new Review Status of “Pending Answer” has been added so that the SFI disclosure reviewers in the Office of Research can identify those disclosures whose review is pending additional information from the investigator. The Review Status of “Duplicate” was removed, and all disclosures in that status were moved to “No Review Required” status.

Disclosure Notification Changes

In order to ensure attention is drawn to situations where an investigator may not be receiving a disclosure notification email, there are some changes being introduced to the eGC1s in SAGE.

  • Providing visibility when an investigator’s email address is missing which means no disclosure notification can be sent. When no email address is available, the eGC1 Preparer will be sent an email they can forward to the investigator.
  • Requiring the eGC1 Preparer’s email address, used for key notifications.

December 2014

An issue that was causing travel financial interests more than 12 months old (and expired) to still be included in the total on disclosures that had not yet been reviewed has been resolved.

October 2014

An issue in FIDS that caused disclosure notifications to be sent to investigators who had already completed a primary eGC1 disclosure has been fixed. Investigators will only receive notifications if they have not already been sent one and if they have not already completed a primary disclosure for that eGC1.

June 2014

The primary goal of this release is to ensure that SFI disclosures reach a status of “Review Required” at a more appropriate time, which will improve the workflow for SFI Reviewers. No significant impact is anticipated for Non-Reviewers, however Non-Reviewers may notice a difference in disclosure statuses in SPAERC/SAGE.  Disclosures will now reach a status of “Review Required” only when the disclosures are ready to be reviewed and only if the type of disclosure requires review. New logic and data updates were incorporated into FIDS disclosures to achieve the goal of appropriately classifying status.

Disclosures for all primary eGC1s (excluding ATF eGC1s) will now be assigned to Review Required or No Review Required (depending on whether SFI is present) at the time the primary eGC1 receives a child Funding Action.

Disclosures for primary eGC1s that are “After-The-Fact” (ATF) applications will be assigned to Review Required or No Review Required (depending on whether SFI is present) at the time the primary eGC1 reaches In OSP or Approved status.

Disclosures not connected to a primary eGC1 that have SFI will now go directly to WJIT status, and remain there unless manually set to Review Required or to No Review Required.

September 2013

Annual updates

  • To help compliance with GIM 10’s requirement for submitting an annual Significant Financial Interest (SFI) disclosure, FIDS will send up to three email reminders to investigators when:
    • an annual disclosure update is due in 45 days.
    • the annual update is due in 15 days.
    • they are out of compliance. This message is copied to the PI.
  • We updated the Create New Disclosure and Disclose SFI pages to simplify the process for reaffirming investigators have no SFI for an annual update.

Other changes in FIDS

  • On the Disclose Significant Financial Interests page, we revised the questions to make it easier for investigators to identify the relationship between their SFI and a particular disclosure for an eGC1.
  • When adding new SFI, investigators will no longer be asked “Has this SFI been previously disclosed?” The question was intended to be used during the short term as we transitioned from a paper process to FIDS.

Other key changes outside of FIDS

  • SAGE users are no longer able to send disclosure notifications from eGC1’s where the sponsor name is “Pending – Notify OSP of Correct Sponsor”; they also can’t send the notifications if the sponsor name is left blank. This will help ensure that the correct disclosure rules and requirements are applied when the PI is updating their SFI in FIDS.
  • To make it easy to find the list of current Public Health Service sponsors, we created a new PHS Sponsors web page. The FCOI online training and other communications will link to this page.

June 2013

FIDS Style Updates
To ensure that our tools have a more consistent look and are easier to maintain, we made some changes in our code. In some newer browsers, you may notice slightly different colors, rounded corners, and other minor changes. The changes were made in the following tools:

  • SAGE – System to Administer Grants Electronically
  • FIDS – Financial Interest Disclosure System
  • SPAERC – Sponsored Projects Administration & Electronic Research Compliance (for OSP)
  • SERA – System for Electronic Research Accounting (for GCA)
  • AUMS – Animal Use Medical Screening

The Complete Disclosure button remains on the screen
Investigators no longer have to scroll to the right to see the “Complete Disclosure” button when their application titles are long.

March 2013

  • New Action Items section: Investigators can easily see what they need to do next in the new Action Items section on the FIDS Profile page. This section lists investigators’ pending disclosures and easily allows the creation of new ones.
  • SFI Updates: When an existing Significant Financial Interest (SFI) is updated or deleted, any related disclosure which has not yet reached the Review Complete or No Review Required status will reflect the changes.
    • The Institutional Official will review the most current SFI and disclosures which have deleted SFI.
    • A new section in the disclosure will display information about the deleted SFI.
  • Edit Disclosures: Investigators can now edit any disclosure that is not in Review Complete or No Review Required status. This means related research activities can be selected/deselected, and on disclosures for non-Public Health Service (PHS) sponsored eGC1s, and Center for Commercialization (C4C) and Human Subjects Division (HSD) activities, SFI can be selected or deselected.
  • FCOI displayed: The Institutional Official can check a box to indicate which SFI in a disclosure are financial conflicts of interest (FCOI). Investigators will be able to view but not change this indication.
  • Later review: The determination of whether a review is required for primary eGC1 disclosures with no SFI will occur as part of the Just in Time (JIT) process instead of when the disclosure is submitted.
  • New history section: Changes in status and SFI now display in a new History section on the Disclosure Summary page and on a page the Institutional Official views.
  • Concurrency: When multiple people are editing a disclosure, only the first person to save their changes will be able to save. Subsequent users will not be able to save their updates until the page is refreshed and displays the first person’s changes.
  • Review Statuses displayed: The Disclosures section on the Profile page will now display the Review Statuses of each disclosure: Review Required, Waiting for JIT, No Review Required, Duplicate, or Review Complete.
  • Related Sponsored Research Projects: By default, only the primary eGC1 will be selected in the Related Sponsored Research Projects section of a disclosure. You will have to manually select other eGC1s that are related to the disclosure.

November 2012

  • In the Related Activities section, there is no longer a Select All link, and there is a new checkbox for investigators that causes the Related Activities section to display.
  • New functionality for creating new disclosures
    • A “Create new disclosure” button displays whenever there is not a pending disclosure.
    • Investigators will now select why they are creating the disclosure.
    • Investigators can create their own pending disclosure for an eGC1, without having to wait for the disclosure notification to be sent from the eGC1.
    • Investigators can create disclosures for the Human Subjects Division (HSD) and the Center for Commercialization (C4C).
    • An email message will be sent to C4C when a disclosure has been created asking C4C to forward the license agreement.
    • The disclosure now shows HSD and C4C details.
  • When investigators are removed from an eGC1, any pending disclosures will be deleted. If they completed a disclosure, then the primary eGC1 will be removed.
  • A pending disclosure is automatically created when investigators add themselves to an eGC1.