Tag Archives: eGC1

Pending Disclosures

A pending disclosure is a one you need to complete. The system creates one when either an eGC1 owner or the system sends disclosure notification emails to the investigators. The eGC1 owner can do this by clicking the Send Disclosure Notification button on the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page. If the owner routes the eGC1 to reviewers for approval without sending the notifications, the system will send them automatically.

The system also creates a pending disclosure when an investigator begins, but does not complete, a disclosure for Human Subjects Activity or a CoMotion Technology Transfer Agreement.

The Action Items section of the page lists any pending disclosures. To complete a pending disclosure for a specific eGC1, CoMotion agreement, or Human Subjects Activity, click on the Complete Disclosure button to the right of the disclosure.  Then make any necessary updates to your Significant Financial Interests (SFI) and enter any other required information. For an eGC1 disclosure, its status will display on the eGC1’s PI, Personnel, & Organizations page.

The following image shows three example pending disclosures, one for Human Subjects, one for CoMotion, and one for an eGC1.

action items section with pending disclosures

Create a New Disclosure

The Create New Disclosure button displays below the Action Items section, as shown in the following image.

create new disclosure button in action items section

Click this button to start the process. The Disclosure Type page will display for you to select the appropriate type of disclosure.

This page displays when you select “I need to make a disclosure for an eGC1.” on the Disclosure Type page and click Next.

The list of eGC1s here is the same list you see on your Profile page and includes the eGC1 number, title, your role, the sponsor and the eGC1’s status.  An example list is shown in the following image.

list of E G C ones to select from for the disclosure

Select the radio button to the left of the specific eGC1 you want for this disclosure. It will become the Primary eGC1, and the status of this disclosure will appear on the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page of this selected eGC1.

Once you have chosen the eGC1, click the Next button at the bottom of the page to proceed to the Disclose Significant Financial Interests page.

To add an eGC1 to the list of Current Sponsored Research Projects that displays on the Profile page, start by selecting the “Can’t see your eGC1?” link below the list. This will display the Additional Sponsored Research page.

From that list, locate the desired eGC1, select it in the Add column, and click the Add button. You may only select one eGC1 at a time. The system will ask you to verify or change your role on this eGC1 and your Investigator status.

The system will send an email to the PI and contacts of the eGC1 to notify them that you have changed the eGC1. They can notify OSP if sponsor approval is required.

The following image shows an example list.

add an e g c 1

Specify your project role

After you select an eGC1 to add, a pop-up window will display the project role option.

If you are the PI, you cannot change your role or investigator status in FIDS. You can edit the eGC1 in SAGE to change your role.

You can click the check box to indicate if you need to create a disclosure for this eGC1. This will add a pending disclosure in the Disclosure section of your Profile page.

The following image shows the Project Role dialog.

project role for P I

To exit without saving changes, click the Cancel link. To save your changes, click the Save button. You will return to the Additional Sponsored Research page where you may add another eGC1, request to be added to an eGC1, or return to your Profile Page.

If you are not the PI, indicate your investigator status and use the drop-down Role menu to confirm or select your project role from the following:

    • Key Personnel
    • Fellow
    • Mentor
    • Other
    • Multiple PI

Indicate whether you are an investigator. Note: An Investigator includes anyone independently responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research.

The following image shows an example of this change.

add your project role

If you do not see the eGC1 you wish to add to your list, you can send a request to the owners of the eGC1.  Enter the eGC1’s number and click the Request Access link. If necessary, contact someone in your unit to obtain the eGC1 number.

The system will email the PI and contacts to notify them of your request, and you will receive a copy of the email message. They can add you to the eGC1 and notify OSP if the sponsor needs to approve the change. Once they have added you to the eGC1, you will see it displayed on the Profile page.

Sample email message: Request to add additional personnel to eGC1 A99999

This section lists your recently created, approved, and/or awarded eGC1s. The information displayed is:

  • The eGC1 (application proposal) number
  • The eGC1 full title
  • Your role
  • The sponsor
  • The current status of the eGC1

You cannot change this information in FIDS. You may be able to update some of it in SAGE.

Note:  For a definition of “recently created, approved and/or awarded” review the eGC1s Displayed article.

The following image shows an example of this section, and indicates the Can’t see your eGC1? link at the bottom of the section.

current sponsored research section

If you don’t see an eGC1 listed for which you are an investigator, you can include it on this list by clicking the Can’t see your eGC1? link and following the instructions. Review Add Additional Sponsored Research.

The Disclosures section lists all of your pending and completed disclosures. The following image shows an example list.

disclosures section

The values listed for each existing disclosure are:

  • Disclosure ID: automatically generated by FIDS. For a completed disclosure, you may click the Disclosure ID to see a read-only view of your point-in-time disclosure. If your disclosure’s status is other than Review Complete or No Review Required, you may edit it. An Edit this Disclosure button displays at the bottom of the page.
  • eGC1 Number: the primary eGC1 linked with this disclosure. Your disclosure’s status will appear on the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page of this eGC1. The text “(not available)” displays for disclosures that do not have a primary eGC1.
  • Date Disclosed: when you completed the disclosure.
  • Status:
    • Disclosure Required: you need to complete this disclosure.
    • Disclosure Complete: you have completed this disclosure.
  • Review Status:
    • Review Required: generally, this indicates the disclosure has related SFI, and the reviewer needs to review this disclosure now
    • Waiting for JIT (Just in Time):  the system will assess the need for review at the appropriate time
    • No Review Required: generally, this indicates no related SFI, and therefore no review is needed
    • Pending Answer: the reviewer needs information from the investigator; this status is set by the reviewers
    • Review Complete: the reviewer completed reviewing the disclosure

For more information, review Disclosure Review Statuses.


  • If an investigator is removed from an eGC1, the system will delete the related pending disclosure within 24 hours.
  • If a person’s investigator setting is changed from Yes to No, any completed disclosure will be disassociated from the eGC1, and as needed, the disclosure’s status will be reset to Waiting for JIT.
Why isn’t my disclosure showing up on my eGC1?

There are two ways to link a disclosure to a specific eGC1:

  • Complete a pending disclosure for the eGC1 by selecting the Complete Disclosure button in the Action Items section of your Profile page.
  • Select the Create New Disclosure button to create a disclosure for a selected eGC1. This button appears below the Action Items section.

For details on how to do either of these, see the Disclosures section of the FIDS User Guide.

Do I need to disclose my SFI for every eGC1?

If you are an investigator on an eGC1, then you are required to complete a new disclosure for that eGC1.

Select the Complete Disclosure button on your profile page in FIDS and then select the appropriate option for SFI. You do not need to re-enter your SFI information if there have been no changes.

You can select the Create New Disclosure button to create a disclosure for a specific eGC1 before receiving the disclosure email notification.

All disclosures on new eGC1s must be completed before the application can be sent to the sponsor. Failure to complete a disclosure on time may result in sponsor deadlines being missed.

An eGC1 displays in the Current eGC1s section of the FIDS Profile page if it is:

  • Composing, where today’s date is less than proposed start date plus one month.
  • Withdrawn, where today’s date is less than proposed start date plus one month.
  • Returned, where today’s date is less than proposed start date plus one month.
  • Routing, where today’s date is less than proposed start date plus one month.
  • In OSP, where today’s date is less than proposed start date plus one month.
  • Awarded, where the end date is in the future, or within the previous 12 months.
  • Approved where the start date is in the future, or is 6 months in the past.
  • An eGC1 where your personnel record changed in the previous 12 months.

Additional eGC1s display when you select the Can’t see your eGC1? link. They are:

  • eGC1s in Composing, Withdrawn, Returned, Routing, In OSP, Awarded or Approved status where the start/end dates are outside the time limits set above. The exception to this is an eGC1 where your personnel record changed in the previous 12 months.
  • Denied eGC1s
  • Permanently withdrawn eGC1s

FIDS does not display any discarded eGC1s.