September 2024 SAGE Suite Release Notes

Goal: Improve Flow of Work for OSP & GCA

  • Integration: Update Periods on Award Corrections (Released 9/30/2024): When an Award Setup Request (ASR) is routed to GCA and an award in Advance Spend status already exists in Workday, SAGE now updates the first period and award line start dates based on a comparison of the current Workday start dates and the ASR start dates. This will allow a pre-award spend period to be properly identified and incorporated into Workday, reducing processing time for GCA.
  • ASR: Add GCA Field Validations (Released 10/2/2024): To prevent integration errors, GCA must now enter information into the following required ASR fields prior to SAGE to Workday integration: line type, grant hierarchy, revenue category, F&A Cost Rate Type, and Rate Agreement.
  • ASR: Display F&A Rate Agreement Base Type When Entering F&A Cost Rate Type (Released 10/2/24): To prevent a common integration error, the award line details that GCA enters for F&A Cost Rate Type will now display the expected Rate Agreement base type. This will aid GCA’s selection in the F&A Rate Agreement field and more easily identify if the Cost Rate Type and Rate Agreement are mismatched.

Goal: Add Clarity and Reduce Returns for Campus Users

  • ASR: Improved Hint Text for Cost Center, F&A Cost Rate Type, and F&A Rate Agreement Fields (Released 10/2/24): To better guide users through data entry, hint text has been added to the following fields on Award Setup Requests:
    • (Campus) Cost Center: New hint text now reads “Search for a department/unit name, cost center name, or number.”
    • (OSP & GCA) F&A Cost Rate Type: New hint text now reads “Search by % or Activity Location.”
    • (OSP & GCA) F&A Rate Agreement: New hint text now reads “Reference the Cost Rate Type field for the associated F&A Rate Agreement.”
  • SAGE Budget: Improved Hint Text for Cost Center and Security Grant Hierarchy Fields (Released 10/2/24): Hint text for the Cost Center and Security Grant Hierarchy fields in SAGE Budget Worksheet Settings has been updated to assist users in initiating their search.
  • SAGE User Guides Revisions: To help reduce returns, the following SAGE user guides have been revised to better guide campus users through required information to include in ASRs and Modification Requests (MODs):

Goal: Address Critical Maintenance and Support

  • Subawards Fix: Missing Sponsor Data on Subawards (Released 9/18/2024): Updates were made in SAGE and the Funding Entity Core Data Management system to address issues where sponsor data was correctly populating in subaward requests.
  • Advance & ASR Fix: Reviewer Difficulty Opening Advances When a Related ASR Exists (Released 10/2/2024): Advance Request (ADV) reviewers no longer experience issues opening Advance Requests when an ASR is associated with the same award.

October Release Targets

  • Automation of OSP Assignments for eGC1 requests
  • New ASR validation for Sponsor Total and Budget Total matching

If you have any questions or encounter issues, please reach out to