Budget Worksheets

This article covers worksheet types, header, settings, and totals. Two related articles, linked from this one in the bulleted list below, cover the salary and benefit costs section and the other costs section.

Worksheets: Primary and Added

A newly created budget will contain one worksheet with a default title of Primary Worksheet. You can rename the worksheet in its settings panel. This worksheet cannot be deleted.

Adding a Worksheet

Use the Add Worksheet link in the left navigation menu to create additional worksheets for your budget. When you select this link, a dialog will open. You can choose the type of worksheet you want to add, and edit its default title.

The following image shows the dialog for adding a worksheet, with the default values.

Adding a budget worksheet

The worksheet types are:

  • Internal UW Worksheet
    • Use this when other departments within the UW are collaborating on a project.
    • Values from this worksheet display on the Budget Summary under the corresponding object/sub-object codes.
  • Subaward Worksheet
    • Use this to capture the budget of an outside institution to which the UW is subcontracting some portion of a project’s work.
    • Values from this worksheet roll up to the Budget Summary under the (03) Other Contractual Services object code. Subawards support custom external F&A rates and external benefit rates.
  • Fabrication Worksheet
    • Use this type under certain circumstances when a defined portion of a larger project budget involves the fabrication of equipment and the sponsor is unwilling to pay indirect costs related to fabrication.
    • Values from this worksheet roll up to the Budget Summary under the (06) Equipment object code.

Each additional worksheet will appear on the left navigation menu in the order added.

Deleting a Worksheet

On the left navigation menu, there is a “more options” menu icon (3 blue vertical dots) following each non-primary worksheet name. Click on the “more options” icon to display the menu and select Delete Worksheet.  A confirmation dialog displays stating “Deleting a worksheet is permanent and cannot be reversed. All costs on this worksheet will be lost.”

The following image shows the dialog window:

delete a worksheet confirmation dialog

You have the option to cancel and keep the worksheet, or to delete the worksheet.

If you were viewing the worksheet when you deleted it, the Budget Summary will display. Otherwise what you were viewing will not change.

Worksheet Header

Every worksheet has a header that displays its title and number. This header is always visible when you are in the worksheet.

When you create a worksheet, you have the option to edit the default title. At any other time, you can edit the title in its Worksheet Settings section, described below.

Each worksheet has a unique identifier assigned by the system. This number starts with the letter W and is displayed in the header following the title. For example, W111234.

Worksheet Settings

This section of the worksheet displays just below the header. By default, it is collapsed. Select the section to expand it.

The following image shows the section collapsed, with the description “Add required fields, worksheet details, and configure F&A”:

worksheet settings section in collapsed mode

There are several sections of data that you can edit:

General Information

The following image shows the general information section:

budget worksheet general information section

This section contains the following fields:

  • Worksheet Type
    • You selected this when you created the worksheet and it cannot be changed.
  • Title
    • Use this field to edit the default title; this is a required field.
    • The field has a maximum length of 300 characters allowing each worksheet to have a unique name.  Below the field you will see a hint that shows the number of characters used (0/300). In the left navigation menu, if the title length is greater than the navigation menu width, it will display with an ellipsis (…) ; you can see the full title by hovering over it.

budget worksheet settings with a long title

    • In order for SAGE Budget worksheet titles to match the Workday grant naming convention, after a worksheet has been created, a prefix is automatically added based on the Worksheet Type (Internal UW Worksheet, Subaward Worksheet, or Fabrication Worksheet). Note: You will not see the prefix in SAGE Budget.
  • Cost Center Receiving Funding appears for the primary worksheet only; Fiscally Responsible Cost Center appears for all other worksheets.
    • Search for a department/unit name, cost center name, or number. A results list will appear after you’ve entered a few characters; select the appropriate one.
    • This field is required.
  • Workday Security Grant Hierarchy
    • This required field allows you to search for and then set a Level 4 grant hierarchy for each SAGE Budget Worksheet so that it can be integrated with grants in Workday and provide the necessary permissions.
    • Search for a department/unit name or Cost Center, and a list of choices display. Select the appropriate value. Check with your department if you’re unsure which value to use.
    • The following image shows the results list when searching for “biochem”:

Example of searching "biochem" in the Cost Center Receiving Funding field, which returns three results.

  • Box Number for Official Correspondence
    • Enter the appropriate value. This field is optional.
  • Cascade Other Costs Entries
    • “Cascade” means that the value entered for a worksheet cost in one period is automatically carried forward to future periods, adjusted for inflation.
    • By default, Other Costs entries are not cascaded across periods. In the Budget Settings, you can choose to enable cascading for your entire budget. Note: This Budget Setting will only affect newly added costs, not existing ones, and will not affect the Primary Worksheet, as it exists prior to your selecting this setting.
    • You can override the cascade setting for any individual cost entry.

Worksheet Default Inflation Rates

The following image shows the default inflation rates:

worksheet settings default inflation rates

There are three inflation rates that are used in calculating values. The rates apply to all budget periods.

If you edited the values in the Budget Settings, they will be the default values for a newly created worksheet. However, Budget Settings changes will not affect any existing worksheet values.

  • Salary – applies to personnel salary entries; the default value is 2%
  • Tuition – applies only to tuition entries; the default value is 3%
  • General – applies to all other cost entries; the default value is 0%

You can edit these values for any individual worksheet, and the changes will be applied to any newly added costs.

APL, Prorated Direct Costs (PDC), and Fixed Fee

The following image shows the APL, Prorated Direct Costs, and Fixed Fee settings with all sections open:

Budget worksheet A P L P D C and Fixed Fee

APL and Prorated Direct Costs (PDC)

Select the toggle switch to enable this option. PDC is the Prorated Direct Costs. A message will appear briefly over the bottom of the page indicating that APL is being added to your budget, followed by a message saying the addition is complete.

Once enabled, when adding a personnel cost, you have the option of using APL benefits for that person. When you do so, an icon (atom) will appear following the person’s name.

Prorated Direct Costs (PDC) are automatically added when APL is enabled, except on fabrication worksheets. The system will add a 19-10 line item to the Other Costs section of the worksheet. The amount for a given period is equal to the PDC Rate times the period costs subject to the Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC) base (excluding any 19-xx costs).

Note: When APL is enabled on the primary worksheet, PDC includes all of the costs on the primary worksheet including first $25,000 of any 03-62 cost on the primary worksheet and the first $25,000 of any subaward worksheets. Review Budget Calculation Formulas for details.

Fixed Fee

Select the toggle switch to enable this option. The Base Type and Fixed Fee Rate fields will display.

There are two defined base types for use with Fixed Fee and an option to create a custom base. The default base is Total Costs (TC).

  • Total Costs (TC) includes all object/sub-object codes except
    • 19-40 which is Fixed Fee itself
  • Total Costs less Equipment (TC less E) includes all object/sub-object codes except
    • All 06 Equipment object/sub-object codes
    • 19-40 which is Fixed Fee itself
  • Custom – selecting this base will open a modal where you can choose which object/sub-object codes you want to include for Fixed Fee.

Note: Both the Total Costs and Total Costs less Equipment bases also include Facilities and Administrative (F&A), object/sub-object code 25-99.

The default rate for Fixed Fee is 5.7% and can be edited. The Fixed Fee amount is equal to the rate times all of the object/sub-object costs in the selected or custom base.

Subaward Worksheet Note: If APL and Fixed Fee are included on the Primary Worksheet, you well see related instruction text in the Subaward Worksheet Settings.  The text reads:

  • Note: Since APL is applied to the Primary Worksheet, Fixed Fee settings are shown. Subaward worksheet Fixed Fee Base Type is set to Total Costs. All other Fixed Fee settings will default to the Primary Worksheet settings.

The following image shows this text:

budget worksheet settings subaward

Sea Pay

The following image shows the Sea Pay section of the worksheet settings with the option enabled.

worksheet setting for sea pay
Select the “Includes Sea Pay ” toggle switch to enable this option.  As you add personnel, you will be able to include sea pay as needed. Sea pay can be added for personnel on the primary worksheet and on internal and fabrication worksheets. Review Salary and Benefit Costs for details on adding sea pay for personnel.

When a person has sea pay, an “anchor” icon will appear next to their name on the worksheet and budget summary.

Participant Support Costs (PSC)

Enable the Participant Support Costs indicator when using an Internal UW Worksheet for direct costs for stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances, and registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with conferences or training projects.

All costs on this worksheet will be identified as Participant Support Costs in Workday at time of award.

The following image shows the Participant Support Costs (PSC) section of the worksheet settings with the option enabled.

budget setting participant support costs

Fabrication Budget (with F&A)

Enable the Fabrication indicator when using an Internal UW Worksheet for deliverable fabrication with F&A costs. Deliverable Fabrication is defined as something that is built by UW, but the Sponsor will take possession of the item. For deliverable fabrication, an Internal Worksheet should be used as it does have an F&A section and the costs are subject to F&A

All costs on this worksheet will be identified as fabrication costs in Workday at time of award.

The following image shows the Fabrication Budget (with F&A) section of the worksheet settings with the option enabled.

budget settings fabrication

For standard (non-deliverable) fabrication, a Fabrication Worksheet should be used. It does not have an F&A section and costs are not subject to F&A.

F&A Settings

There are no default settings for Facilities & Administrative costs. You will need to set these values for each worksheet. You can define a custom F&A rate, which is described below following the non-custom options.

The following image shows the F&A settings section:

Budget Worksheet Settings for F and A

Start by using the Activity Location drop-down menu to select a location. Choices are:

  • APL
  • South Lake Union Campus
  • Off Campus
  • On Campus
  • Research Vessel
  • WA Natl Primate Research Center (WaNPRC)
  • Harborview
  • VA Med Ctr

Then select your Sponsored Program Activity Category from its drop-down menu. See GIM 13: Activity Types for definitions.  Choices are:

  • Organized Research
  • Instruction
  • Other Sponsored Activities

Note: If you selected APL, the type defaults to Organized Research and cannot be edited.

Select the appropriate Sponsored Program Activity Type.  Note: This field is required.

The list is organized in descending alphabetical order; the SPA Type prefix (OSA, OR, I) corresponds to the Sponsored Program Activity Category.

  • OSA: Professional Development Public Service (UW External)
  • OSA: Other Sponsored Activity
  • OSA: IPA/JPA/Staff Assignment
  • OSA: Equipment
  • OSA: Construction
  • OSA: Clinical Trial Non Federal Sponsor (including Industry Sponsored)
  • OR: Research: Basic
  • OR: Research: Applied
  • OR: Other Training: Research
  • OR: Fellowship: Research Undergraduate
  • OR: Fellowship: Research Graduate or Professional
  • OR: Development
  • OR: Clinical Trial, Federal
  • I: Training and Development (UW Internal)
  • I: Fellowship: Non Research Undergraduate
  • I: Fellowship: Non Research Graduate or Professional

If appropriate, select the checkbox to indicate “This worksheet is part of an industry sponsored clinical trial.”

If you selected WA Natl Primate Research Center (WaNPRC) for your Activity Location, then you will need to chose a Primate Center Rate Type rather than a Sponsored Program Activity Category. The types are: Core, Federal Other, and Non-Federal Other.

For the Base Type, the system will use a default setting based on your choice of Activity Location.

The defaulted Base Types are:

  • Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC)
  • Total Direct Costs (TDC)
  • Salary & Wages (S&W)

The rules for Base Type choice are as follows.

Activity Location Base Type
South Lake Union Campus
OR Off Campus
OR On Campus

If Clinical Trial is also selected, then TDC

Research Vessel S&W

A table below the Base Type information displays the Default F&A rate for each period. A second column displays the F&A Rate in Use.

Note: Fabrication worksheets cannot charge any F&A costs, so a statement to that effect displays in place of the fields.

Object and Sub-Object Codes

Review F&A Base Type Object and Sub-Object Codes to see which codes are included in each base type.

Custom F&A

To use a custom F&A rate for your worksheet, start by selecting the toggle to enable this feature.  The Base Type field will become editable, as will the rates in the F&A Rate in Use column.

These additional base types will display in the drop-down menu:

  • Total Direct Costs less Equipment & Tuition (TDC less E&T)
  • Custom… – used to fully define what costs are subject to F&A

When you select a custom base type, a dialog will display, allowing you to select which costs to include. See Custom F&A Base Types for details.

Worksheet Totals

This section of your worksheet displays calculated totals, with one column for each period, and one for the All Periods value.

The following image shows an example of this section for a budget with APL Fixed Fee included.

budget worksheet totals section including fixed fee

The subsections are:

  • Total Direct Costs – the total of all salary, benefit, and other cost entries
  • Facilities and Administrative – the amount of F&A, with details when the subsection is expanded
  • APL Fixed Fee – this only displays when enabled in the worksheet settings
  • Total Worksheet Costs – the sum of the Total Direct Costs and the F&A

When you expand the F&A section, you will see the base type and activity location in the Description column. For each period and the All Periods column, there are rows for the following values, to clearly show the calculation results:

  • Total Direct Costs
  • Costs Subject to F&A, or Costs Subject to Subrecipient F&A for subaward worksheets
  • F&A Rate, or Subrecipient F&A for subaward worksheets
  • F&A Costs, or Subrecipient F&A Costs for subaward worksheets