Project Details

This section provides categorization information about the application. For guidance on which Project Type to select, review the How do I know what project type to select on an eGC1 and why is it important? FAQ. If you are unsure of how to answer these questions, please consult with the Principal Investigator or your local administrator.

You must select both a Project Type and a Sponsored Program Activity Type. The following image shows the Project Details section of the application.

project details section on the application details page

Project Type Description
Grant The application is for a specific investigator-initiated project with minimal programmatic involvement from the grantor (sponsor). See Glossary entry for details.
Contract The application’s funding mechanism is a contractual arrangement with specific deliverables and expected outcomes which benefit the sponsor. See Glossary entry for details.

Federal contracts: Route draft proposals for initial review to OSP no later than 7 business days before a sponsor deadline. See Why should I route an eGC1 for Contracts & Other Transactions to OSP ASAP? 

Cooperative Agreement The application is for a federal assistance agreement mechanism that has substantial programmatic involvement by the federal agency. See Glossary entry for details.
Other Transaction Authority (OTA) The application is for a special award mechanism from certain federal agencies that is not a grant contract, or cooperative agreement. See Glossary entry for details.

Route draft OTA proposals for initial review to OSP no later than 7 business days before a sponsor deadline. See Why should I route an eGC1 for Contracts & Other Transactions to OSP ASAP? 

Note: Do not use an eGC1 for processing gifts. See Gift Processing for information on this topic.

Sponsored Program Activity Type

Select a value from the drop-down menu. It is organized by Institutional Activity Types: Organized Research, Instruction, and Other Sponsored Activity. For definitions, see GIM 13: Activity Types.

Note: if you choose the type “IPA/JPA/Staff Assignment” then the application is considered to be non-competing.

Institutional Activity Types Sponsored Program Activity Types
Organized Research
  • Research: Basic
  • Research: Applied
  • Development
  • Fellowship: Research Undergraduate
  • Fellowship: Research Graduate/Professional
  • Other Training: Research
  • Clinical Trial: Federal Sponsors
  • Training and Development (UW Internal)
  • Fellowship: Non-Research Undergraduate
  • Fellowship: Non-Research Graduate/Professional
Other Sponsored Activity
  • Professional Development/Public Service (UW External)
  • Construction
  • Equipment
  • Clinical Trial: Non-Federal Sponsors
  • Other Sponsored Activity
  • IPA/JPA/Staff Assignment

Clinical Trial Phase

This field will display if you select either of the Clinical Trial values for SPA Type. Select the appropriate value. Choices are: I, II, III, IV, and Other. For definition of these choices, see the Clinical Trials web page.