eGC1 and Grant Runner Errors and Warnings Summary

This pop-up window displays when you select the Check for Errors link on either the left navigation menu or the Certify & Route page. The eGC1 Final Validation section will list any errors that you need to correct before you can route your eGC1 to reviewers.

If you are creating a Grant Runner application, the Grant Runner Sponsor Forms Validation section will display below the eGC1 section.

In Grant Runner, if you choose an NIH funding opportunity that closes prior to the Sponsor Deadline on the eGC1 Details page, you will see a warning at the top of the “Check for Errors” page. This warning will not prevent you from routing the eGC1.

grant runner opportunity expiration warning

Note: When you select the Route to Reviewers button on the Certify & Route page, the error check is also done.

  • For a standard eGC1, this window will display only if there are errors.
  • For a Grant Runner eGC1, if you answered No to the Ready to Submit question, you can route your eGC1 even if there are still errors listed in the Grant Runner Sponsor Forms Validation section.

eGC1 Final Validation

If any eGC1 page has errors, you will see a heading for that page, followed by a bulleted list of errors. The information displays in the same order as the eGC1 pages.

Examples of the types of errors listed would be:

  • Required fields without a value.
  • “Yes” answers to compliance questions without any required additional explanations or information.

The image below shows examples of eGC1 page errors.

E G C 1 check for errors summary

Grant Runner Sponsor Forms Validation

For a Grant Runner application, the Check for Errors process includes all of the Grant Runner mandatory forms and any selected optional forms.

The forms will be checked for any errors and the basic NIH errors, some of which are specific to Activity Type. Once all of those errors are cleared, your forms will be checked by an additional NIH service. It provides warnings and errors specific to your opportunity.

Note: If you select Ready to Submit = No on the Certify & Route page, you can route your application for review before all of the Grant Runner errors are fixed.

Once you select Ready to Submit = Yes, you must have fixed all errors in order to re-route your application, and for it to be submitted to

Warnings will not block you from routing your eGC1 but may reveal other issues to be considered prior to submission.

The Check for Errors list identifies the form page in your Grant Runner on which the error appears, and describes the error or problem.

Example messages:

  • Required or optional form not yet viewed
  • Required data not completed
  • Required attachments – “Biographical Sketch is required.”
  • Conditionally required data or attachments – “X is required when Y condition occurs.”

The image below shows examples of Grant Runner form errors and the message about checking for NIH error once all errors are addressed.

grant runner check for errors example